How to answer a NPC's questions in a dialog?

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakSunday, 16. August 2015, 09:43 10 years ago
    Hi guys,

    In a dialog with an npc, I want the npc tell something and then the main chracter should give an answer (decision) to the npc. How could I do it?

    For example:

    NPC: Can you go and bring that box for me?
    Main_character: * Yes sure OR * No (And condition of a variable will change according to main character's answer)

    Anybody can help?smile


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  • #2, by Simon_ASASunday, 16. August 2015, 15:40 10 years ago
    I don't know, I never worked with characters in VS so there are no dialogs in my games, but I bet that the answer is somewhere on the forums or the wiki.

    I have found these threads with similar questions:

    Hope it helps.

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  • #3, by AkcayKaraazmakMonday, 17. August 2015, 11:01 10 years ago
    Cheers mate

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  • #4, by DilatedTuesday, 18. August 2015, 07:33 10 years ago
    Just set up a regular dialogue tree? Not sure whats your specific need.

    Just make a branch in the dialogue tree that gives you the two options. So.

    1. Hello
    2.Aww yiss

    Choose 1. Npc reply: Hello, are you the worst protagonist ever.

    Dialogue tree branches out (Press the plus when 1 is selected)


    Then just attach the conditions too "If the dialogue is selected execute action" This is on the bottom right of the screen.

    Is that what you want?

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