How do you change the speed of a character?

  • #1, by madisongeronimoSunday, 06. August 2017, 00:03 8 years ago
    I can't remember how now. Even on V5, I cannot find it. 

    Also. I just updated my sprites frames and in game the characters walks so DAMN slow, the older sprite was fine. I did not at all change the speed.


    33 Posts

  • #2, by madisongeronimoSunday, 06. August 2017, 03:51 8 years ago
    Oh for goodness sake! I know this is a dumb question. But I literally cannot find the option to speed up my character's walk on V5!!!!!


    33 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSunday, 06. August 2017, 04:32 8 years ago
    It's in the properties tab for the active character - same place as the 3D character settings, but changing the speed will only work if you use the default sliding walk system.
    see first option "walking speed".


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by madisongeronimoSunday, 06. August 2017, 09:25 8 years ago
    I changed my speed to 799 and my character sprite walks slow as hell. There's something wrong.


    33 Posts

  • #5, by sebastianSunday, 06. August 2017, 10:04 8 years ago
    can you give us information how the walk animation is set sup?

    -what exactly is slow: the walking itself or the time between each frame? 
    -How big are the pauses for the walk frames? 
    -Do you use sliding walk animation or pixel based? 

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  • #6, by madisongeronimoSunday, 06. August 2017, 12:03 8 years ago
    The walking speed is probably 200 
    The pauses for the frame is 139
    I use the sliding walk animation 


    33 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeSunday, 06. August 2017, 12:36 8 years ago
    139 = approx. 7 frames per second. If you have more frames than that you may want to reduce the pause value a bit.

    In regards to the walk speed... I don't remember if you have to initialize the character movement when you adjust that as I never use the sliding walk animation system & that doesn't really use the default walk speed as I manually set the movement & pause delay for each frame myself. Anyway, after changing the walk speed value, try clicking on each of the characters walk animations, then click on the feet icon on the character animation preview windows toolbar (looks more like 2 fat exclamation marks!!) & then click on the yellow X button next to the 2 number input boxes on the right hand side & confirm. It should adjust the movement for the walk animaton. I'm not sure if you have to rinse & repeat this for each of your walk animations or whether it sorts them all out at once.


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