How could we change or hide the background image of a interface from a action?

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 29. August 2014, 14:37 11 years ago
    Hi guys,

    Don't know if its possible but is there any way to change the background of a interface (secondary interface). I have the image of the inventory and when I do the click action on it, I want to hide the background image of inventory or assign another image.

    I'll be very thankful if someone can suggest a solution .


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  • #2, by DilatedFriday, 29. August 2014, 17:07 11 years ago
    Hey dude,

    What you could do is make the background transparent to the same size of your two images.

    Then place both images into the interface and assign them both with conditions. Make the one you don't want to see 'false'


    Inventory background one-True
    Inventory background two- False

    When you 'click on it' add the actions:

    Change condition: Inventory background one-False
    Change condition: Inventory background two- True

    Hope that helps.

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  • #3, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 29. August 2014, 17:13 11 years ago
    Thank you so much bro, I gonna try it now and write the result here smile

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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 29. August 2014, 17:41 11 years ago
    Hey dude,

    One of the images are animated (png sequance). And when animation finishes after the action, I want it to stop on the last frame. Cause the inventory icon is a bag. When u mouse over it opens, when u leave it closes and when click it open the inventory. Because I couldnt manage to stop and the last frame I make visible the active button image and then everything messed up.

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  • #5, by DilatedFriday, 29. August 2014, 18:25 11 years ago
    Ah yes, I think I know what you are trying to do, I'm assuming you want to have an inventory bag in the corner somewhere. When you click on it, it will bring up the actual inventory?

    What you want to do is make two separate interfaces, one with the bag animation, and one with the actual inventory.

    GlenFX actually covers it, look under
    "Part 8 Inventory Sam and Max style" And it outlines what you want to do.

    The only difference for you is that your "inventory off" interface will have a 'mouse over' animation.

    To make it stop on the last frame you can change the individual frames speed to 0 (or -1 I can't remember). And when the mouse leaves the action area you can use the action " Play/hide animation" and tick hide.

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  • #6, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 29. August 2014, 19:55 11 years ago
    Great bro! Thank you so much. I'll give a try and report you the situaion matesmile

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