Hide special scripted inventory

  • #1, by nebirviSunday, 06. January 2019, 13:41 5 years ago
    Hi! I had a question. Some time ago I got some guidance with this inventory code:
    local int = Interfaces["Inventory"]
    if int.InterfaceOffset.y == 570 then
     int:to(400, { InterfaceOffset = {x = int.InterfaceOffset.x, y = 700 } }, easeLinearIn)
    elseif int.InterfaceOffset.y == 700 then
     int:to(500, { InterfaceOffset = {x = int.InterfaceOffset.x, y = 570 } }, easeBackOut)
    I only want to run it in some of the rooms though since you do not always need your inventory and therefore don´t want it to pop up. Is there a code I can use to make it non existing in some of the rooms? Right now the code global and not tied to a specific room.


    30 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaSunday, 06. January 2019, 18:03 5 years ago
    You can hide the sliding interface like any other interface.

    Create an action "at the beginning of the scene" on the scene where you don't want the interface to show.
    select the action part "show/hide interface"
    select the interface type you want to hide. (i guess it's the inventory in your case)
    and click the "hide" button.

    When you want to show it again - when leaving the scene or at beginning of the next scene - you do the same: an action at beginning of the next scene with an action part show/hide interface and this time you "show" the interface.

    Key Killer

    514 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSunday, 06. January 2019, 20:49 5 years ago
    Please can you edit & delete all your duplicated posts? cheers. wink

    I'm getting a 404 error when I try to edit them, so it seems you will need to delete them yourself.

    * edit: ok, never mind. Simon sorted it out.


    7278 Posts

  • #4, by nebirviSunday, 06. January 2019, 21:41 5 years ago
    Thanx! I'll Try it first thing in the morning! And sorry AFRLme, my computer lagged and I didn't notice. Good thing it got fixed.


    30 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeMonday, 07. January 2019, 00:52 5 years ago
    I'm not sure it was you. It happened to me too when I replied to this thread. I ended up with 2 additional duplicate posts.


    7278 Posts

  • #6, by andy-rinaldiMonday, 07. January 2019, 11:41 5 years ago
    Hi guys, I receveid a lot of notifications about this post as "New topic in the forum" in my email. 6 yesterday and 7 today... if this can help you to solve the issue.

    Forum Fan

    160 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeMonday, 07. January 2019, 12:42 5 years ago
    Yeah seems something happened with the forum & there ended up being a lot of duplicates of the thread.

    I recommend turning off email notifications - can't believe you would leave something like that on. I have enough emails to check everyday without having to check forum notifications - on the plus note: at least new posts on VS forum are quite far & few between. smile


    7278 Posts