Hidden/Unspoken Dialogue Options

  • #1, by cr34m3Saturday, 29. March 2014, 12:13 11 years ago
    Hi, I couldn’t find a section dealing with this specifically, so I’m posting a new thread.

    I’ve got a dialogue structure similar to the following:
    1. Can I ask you some questions?
         1.1 What is your name?
         1.2 Where were you last night?
         1.3 [Back]
    2. That is all for now, thank you.

    The item in question here is 1.3 [Back]. When the player clicks ‘[Back]’ the dialogue level should change, but the current character should not speak (i.e. no text should be displayed outside of the dialogue area). Is this at all possible?

    I’m trying to stay away from the classic “Let’s talk about something else” dialogue that is often used to navigate dialogue sections. To me a simple speechless navigation feels more natural.


    72 Posts

  • #2, by NovelSaturday, 29. March 2014, 12:21 11 years ago
    No problem, just check "alternative text for dialogue" at the bottom and leave it blank.


    100 Posts

  • #3, by cr34m3Saturday, 29. March 2014, 12:52 11 years ago
    Wow... just wow...
    I try a bunch of things and it ends up being the one I didn't try. confuse I feel pretty silly now. grin

    Thanks for the help. I'll be sure you get a free copy of our free game when it's released on Monday. wink


    72 Posts

  • #4, by NovelSaturday, 29. March 2014, 15:57 11 years ago
    I'll check it out for sure.


    100 Posts