Help in Dialog interactions

  • #1, by LupaShivaTuesday, 10. January 2017, 18:40 8 years ago
    Hello everyone =)

    Im starting a new game, but i already got a little problem that i dont know how to solve it, let me explain first:

    -Its a first person game, so youre inside the character.
    -For the NPCs i created a far away sprite and a near one, that is used for when the player talks with him, i made it, changing alignment, for example when aligned in left is far away, when i change the align to front is changed to near, and created random animations, eyes, mouth etc, wich i managed to work.
    -I created invisible objects in the scenario background related to the zoomed NPC, to interact with the character, for example moving in his hair etc, its working.

    But my problem is when i start a Dialog, wanted to for example, i move in her hair, he says something in the dialog box and a new option appears in the dialog with that NPC, but when i start the dialog, it seems all the other objects in the scenario wont work, i uploaded a picture explaining better what i mean (i hope so).

    Thank you all for the help and sorry for my english.

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  • #2, by bananeisafreeTuesday, 10. January 2017, 19:08 8 years ago
    If I understood you corectly, your problem is that you can't interact with the object of the scenes once you are inside a dialogue.

    If that is your problem, then I think it is how the dialogue system proposed by VS is setup.
    It is not a bug but more of a feature.
    I fear that for you to do as you want, you'll have to make your own dialogue system via a custom interface.

    Note : I'm no professional, and I very well might be mistaking.

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  • #3, by LupaShivaTuesday, 10. January 2017, 19:47 8 years ago
    Youre right, thats my problem, a custom interface seems complicated, but i cant start a dialog in a custom interface i think, not sure gotta give it a try  =(

    Thank you

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  • #4, by sebastianTuesday, 10. January 2017, 20:01 8 years ago
    Do you mean the dialog choices or the text which is spoken when clicking on a dialog option or in general a character talks?

    You could try to let the characters speak its texts but with the tick at "show as background text " checked . By that you should be able to have access to all other scene related objects.

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  • #5, by LupaShivaTuesday, 10. January 2017, 20:06 8 years ago
    Actually both, as soon as the dialog starts, i can use objects in the scenario, is there a "show as background text" option in the dialog?

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  • #6, by bananeisafreeTuesday, 10. January 2017, 20:12 8 years ago
    Well to make it half work (and by that I mean being able to mess around with the objects but only when a character is talking) you could, instead of writing the dialog directly into the awnser space, leave a blank there and instead  call an action. This will allow you to do as you please with the text being in the background.
    You can also ad a p0 after the selection one (so that the dialog is not showed but is still selectable), and then rewrite the entry as background text so you could (maybe) mess around. But again I'm not sure that, as long as a dialog is in action you can mess around with the scene, even with background text.

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  • #7, by sebastianTuesday, 10. January 2017, 20:14 8 years ago
    Actually both, as soon as the dialog starts, i can use objects in the scenario, is there a "show as background text" option in the dialog?

    sadly no. As soon as a real dialog with options is showing you are not able to click anything than the selectable options.

    Thats why i created a more flexible system via lua which reads the selectable dialog options out of a simple script file and displays the options as object texts. I posted about the concept here:
    Its also more flexible but a bit more painful to create. 

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  • #8, by LupaShivaTuesday, 10. January 2017, 20:55 8 years ago
    WOA!!! thats look complicated lol gotta check it better, and i think i have to mess a little around with the background text, maybe i can find a turn around, i was thinking an option in the dialog to let explore character and it will close the dialog for moments but not what i really want.

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  • #9, by sebastianWednesday, 11. January 2017, 11:04 8 years ago
    looks more complicated than it is but its more time consuming when creating the dialog options (you have to create the dialog option text twice: once for the displayed object text which is clickable and in 99% of cases the text which gets displayed by the character inside the executed action. But i suggest that you first try with background texts anyway. Maybe there is a way around the issue.

    EDIT: rewrote my first text about my concept because of weird grammar

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  • #10, by LupaShivaWednesday, 11. January 2017, 13:56 8 years ago
    Im already working on it, i think its doable, but a LOT of work. =(

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  • #11, by LupaShivaSaturday, 21. January 2017, 23:59 8 years ago
    In case someone might need it, i did it with a custom miscellaneous interface for each character, and setting the right condition before talking when clickin on the character.

    Thanks all

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