Help for "projected shadows" for the 3d character

  • #1, by AkcayKaraazmakWednesday, 29. April 2015, 13:59 10 years ago
    Hello guys,
    Anyone has an idea how to make the projected shadows work for the 3d character. I'm selecting the "projected" option for shadows but it never shows a shadow in the game. Just the simple shadow mode works a bit and even for the simple shadow, the shadow is a very small circular shape which should be much bigger.
    Or the "projected shadows" option doesn't work or there is a bug with that?

    Cheers smile

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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 29. April 2015, 15:42 10 years ago
    All the shadow options should work - well on windows version anyway (not sure about mac).

    However I don't really recommend using projected shadows (or whatever you want to call them) as it's a 2D engine, which means there's no physical objects to create refraction. In other words projected shadows just look plain stupid to me when they end up layering over the top of a wall or scene object. That's just my opinion though mind.


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  • #3, by AkcayKaraazmakWednesday, 29. April 2015, 15:49 10 years ago
    Thanks Lee but when I use the "simple shadow" option, then the shadow looks very small. When I scale down to character then shadow looks ok, but sure then the character is very small. I goona loose my mind with this smile

    p.s, I'm using windows

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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakWednesday, 29. April 2015, 15:52 10 years ago
    Is there a way to scale the shadow (simple shadow) bigger with code or something?

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  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 29. April 2015, 16:01 10 years ago
    I'm not seeing anything in the data structure. Does the camera height / angle affect the size of the shadow at all?


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  • #6, by AkcayKaraazmakWednesday, 29. April 2015, 16:07 10 years ago
    No mate, cam height/angle doesnt effect the shadow size :\

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  • #7, by afrlmeWednesday, 29. April 2015, 16:14 10 years ago
    I don't have any more ideas, sorry. I'm not really savvy on the 3D character system as I don't have much use for it myself.


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  • #8, by AkcayKaraazmakWednesday, 29. April 2015, 16:21 10 years ago
    Ok mate, thank you. Wish the Visionaire is also enough for the 3d characters :\

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