Hello new here. Action Area question..

  • #1, by GhostlygurustudiosMonday, 13. April 2015, 16:56 10 years ago
    Hey i am new here and gotta say i am really enjoying using visionaire studio.. as an artist that cant program a lick.. haha but in any case its been good to just depend on myself to make something.. I'd love to have the help of either someone thats interested in doing lua work.. or recode the game in something else.. but that has nothing to do with why i am posting this.. so anyways!

    How would I make an action area only trigger one time? right now if the player walks into a certain spot some text displays.. how do i make it so that when he leaves and then enters that area again it wont show the same dialog again?

    [ Currently working on a game for #adventurejam.. its called The Endless Night - prelude .. dunno if ill finish in time, but i am gonna keep working on this in any event and turn it into a full length game over how ever long it takes.. here's the gamejolt page..http://gamejolt.com/games/adventure/the-endless-night-prelud... ]


    21 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 13. April 2015, 17:40 10 years ago
    Simple enough! wink

    1. create a condition in the scene conditions tab & give it a relevant name to whatever the condition should be for.

    2a. go to the action area you just created & create an if query condition action part & set the condition to what you created in step 1.

    2b. set condition to true or false (depending on the initial state you defined when creating the condition).

    3. now add your actions.

    4. now add a set condition action part or toggle condition part to change the condition to the opposite of whatever it's currently set as. This will prevent this action area from being triggered again, unless the condition in the if query is met.

    5. finally add an end if action part to close off the if query.

    That should be about it. Hope it helps & good luck with the competition.


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by GhostlygurustudiosTuesday, 14. April 2015, 20:56 10 years ago
    thanks a lot! lets see if i can figure it out! haha..

    the one part i dont get is step 4..

    so i have a condition called eastdialog.. its set to true..
    for the action area i have the if eastdialog is true.. then all my actions [in this case dialog and a sound playing..]

    what is a set condition action part? or toggle condition part..?


    21 Posts

  • #4, by GhostlygurustudiosTuesday, 14. April 2015, 21:02 10 years ago
    ahh its called change condition.. gotcha.. works thanks!


    21 Posts

  • #5, by GhostlygurustudiosTuesday, 14. April 2015, 21:59 10 years ago
    I dont want to start a new post for another question.. haha.. but..

    i am having a hard time finding out much about dialog stuff.. any tutorial out there that can help me have dialog choices..? as in..

    1. Hey I think you smell bad.. like a rotting mickey mouse
    2. Where is maria?
    3. His uncle was actually my aunt all along!

    it wouldnt need to clear the dialog option that you selected.. or anything fancy.. basically looking to create something like the fallout 3 dialog system.. or a really simplified version of it.. i already had a heck of a time trying to figure out how to get text to display at the bottom of the screen instead of next to a characters head.. i dunno how this will work out with dialog choices since my text is always centered.. and if i try to do alignment it ends up off the screen.. sorry too much information.. basically i dont know what i am doing!


    21 Posts

  • #6, by blink3dWednesday, 15. April 2015, 08:21 10 years ago
    go to this website

    and follow Chapter 10: Dialogues


    22 Posts

  • #7, by GhostlygurustudiosFriday, 17. April 2015, 12:03 10 years ago
    thanks.. i just cant seem to get the dialog between character and npc to actually show up on screen..... . . my problem seems to be using the actual dialog system thing.. it doesnt show up on screen.. but if i just display text between the characters rather than a dialog.. that works..


    21 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeFriday, 17. April 2015, 13:23 10 years ago
    The bloody dialog system...

    Did you setup the dialog interface correctly? The dialog interface has to be setup in your active characters dialog section.

    Conversation dialogs between characters have to be created inside of the NPC character you intend to talk with.

    I know, I know... doesn't make much sense to me either. The dialog system really needs overhauling, but Simon said that's hard to do, because it has to be back compatible with previous versions of VS too, which means they can't just completely scrap the current dialog system & start over with a new one, which is a shame.


    7286 Posts

  • #9, by GhostlygurustudiosSaturday, 18. April 2015, 00:57 10 years ago
    Thanks.. I think the dialog interface is probably the issue.. I am trying to get my serial for a game jam which ends in two hours... Haha didn't realize it would be a manual process.. Prob not gonna get it in time now roll.


    21 Posts