Grafikpakete / Image packets & License question

  • #1, by UmonThursday, 11. July 2013, 19:46 12 years ago
    I test a lot and really can say i start to love the visionaire engine.
    But 2 important questions are still to ask:
    1. As far i could read the only difference between licene 2 and 3 is about selling.
    So this would not effect the projekt. For example if you have license 2 and decide at a point the projekt is moving to the end and all you want to do is possible to change to option 3 you still can use the projekt you build to this point?
    2. Is it possible to build a grafik only packet you can later just override with a new one you use in a differnet language setup?

    Nach langem testen kann ich wirklich sagen ich beginne die Visionaire Engine zu lieben.
    Aber 2 wichtige Fragen hätte ich noch offen:
    1. Soweit ich lesen konnte geht es zu guterletzt bei den Unterschienden zwischen Lizensen 2 und 3 um den Verkauf.
    Ich denke mal soweit ich das verstanden habe das wenn man von Option 2 zu 3 wechseln möchte sobald man merkt das tatsächlich so ziemlich alles zu realisieren ist, das keine Auswirkungen auf das Projekt hat. Mit einfachen Worten das sich einfach nur die Verkaufsoptionen ändern und man einfach weiterarbeiten kann?
    2. Ist es möglich extra Grafikpakete zu erstellen die man später selbst mit einem Paket einer anderen Länderversion einfach überspielen kann?



    80 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 11. July 2013, 20:27 12 years ago
    you mean updates?
    yes, you could just include the necessary files that need to be updated; hence it's better when exporting your game to not include everything in the main .vis data file, otherwise updating would be a pain in the arse & the update file would be massive!

    in regards to licenses...
    the difference between limited & commercial is:

    limited has a limit for how much you can retail your game titles for & how you can distribute them (essentially with a max retail value of €15, it's basically digital release only)

    current commercial license is per game title & has no limitations, it's a bit expensive for most of us little people though.

    also the license you hold doesn't affect the editor/engine itself... it's just a money thing really which entitles you to release your games in a certain way. you do however currently need to purchase at least the €35 license to be able to export/build/compile your projects into a playable (executable) .exe file.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by UmonThursday, 11. July 2013, 20:52 12 years ago
    Ok lets call it "update" ... can you change with such an update the whole images in all scenes (i guess it is this way but just want to be sure) its about the german images, i cant use it as it is planed cause german USK dont like violence to much wink
    So you can use updates also to change objets in scens i guess (if you do i a special packet).

    Its very clear now to understand the license.
    Important to me was if you can still use the projekt that you have still to work on.

    Thank you once again AFRLme smile


    80 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 11. July 2013, 21:42 12 years ago
    yes you can release updates for changing anything really...
    just export the content from the editor & then compile the files containing the updated content into an installer or something for the user to install to wherever they installed the game.

    & yes to second part about being able to use project wink


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