Going up stairs

  • #1, by sebastianMonday, 26. October 2015, 21:49 9 years ago
    Hello everyone!

    I have a basic question regarding going up stairs inside a room where the two levels are in the same scene:


    When going up, the character should be controllable but (because it looks stupid) should not stop on the "front graphic" (red in picture) areas of the stair.
    How do i make it -depending on the destination- to avoid going there but don't forbid full controlling on the stairs itself. I just want to avoid going on the red marked areas. When the destination is on one of these areas the char should just move one step further (or less).

    Any ideas or tips?


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  • #2, by tristan-kangMonday, 26. October 2015, 21:59 9 years ago
    The map looks like demo map in tiny & Tall : Gleipnir. Well, you must have been played it before.

    My recommendation is make action area in stairs and when characters enter the area add hide mouse cursor in Miscellaneous tabs. Contrariwise, show mouse cursor when characters leave the area.

    We can't control character without cursors. Anyway, it seems like I misread the question..

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  • #3, by turricanMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:07 9 years ago
    Ich glaube, der Cursor ist nicht das Problem - der Char rennt die Treppe rauf als wäre es eine Rampe, also eine glatte Fläche, richtig!?
    Du kannst aber mit den Aktionsbereichen ( auf jedem vertikalen Stufenteil ) den Char auf den nächsten grünen setzen ( dafür jeweils ein eigenes Obj mit Namen usw. anlegen). Ich weiß aber nicht, wie sich das optisch tatsächlich auswirkt... roll wink


    43 Posts

  • #4, by sebastianMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:11 9 years ago
    So far so good. Also i could add. "move a step up or down to the top of the next step" regarding if the char goes up or down.
    Problem with the areas is that if i click on the top level and my char is at the bottom level he will only go the first step and forgetting of his originally aim because the action area takes over

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  • #5, by tristan-kangMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:12 9 years ago
    You can separate big one action area into a lot of ones like per one step. But it takes efforts... lol

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  • #6, by sebastianMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:18 9 years ago
    I know. But how do i save the original action (like dropping an item on the other floor)
    As soon as i enter the area (and activating Actions in there) the char doesnt go to its correct aim anymore to drop that item

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  • #7, by turricanMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:22 9 years ago
    Ah, ich verstehe! Dann vielleicht das Treppensteigen als komplette Animation zeichnen und einfach abspielen lassen!? Aber ich fürchte, dann muss die Animation (hoch und runter) für jede Stufe als Start-/ Endpunkt auch hinterlegt werden... shock
    Als Workaround: wenn da auf der Treppe nichts spielrelevantes abgehen soll ( außer hoch- und/oder runterkommen) - zeichne doch einen Treppenlift und lass den Char fahren... twist wink


    43 Posts

  • #8, by tristan-kangMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:24 9 years ago
    Looks like complicated functions.

    Make object's action area near the object you're aiming to function.

    Then if cursor enters the object area -> show cursor.
    leaves the object area -> hide cursor.

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  • #9, by sebastianMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:40 9 years ago
    That would be the best.
    Any idea how to solve the Problem with "forgetting" the original Destination? (because a new Destination was set in the area)

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  • #10, by tristan-kangMonday, 26. October 2015, 22:43 9 years ago
    From I know If you just make stops character action then character automatically stops and cancelled original destination.

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  • #11, by sebastianTuesday, 27. October 2015, 10:56 9 years ago
    Yeah. Or if i let him redirect in any way so that he doesnt step on the red areas.

    I think the best way is what you guys said:
    Hide the Cursor when the char foes uo down for the complete stair (there is nothing relevant in the way) and maybe animate the char so that it looks more like he is using a stair.

    The real problem is to continue the original action on the other level when he reaches it.
    Any idea how to save this and call it afterwards?

    Kind regards

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