#1, by andy-rinaldiTuesday, 17. February 2015, 20:11 10 years ago
Hello, I need to show a simple timer or os.time in my scene but I don't know like do it and the variable type. number type: v=variable string type: vs=variable time type: ???
#2, by afrlmeTuesday, 17. February 2015, 20:27 10 years ago
There is no time type for the displayed texts. You can only include the integer or string value of an existing value. You could write the time into a value though. The string section of a value would be better than the integer section as you would be able to include formatting.
What is this timer for?
os.date("%X") -- return players os time in 24 hour format (hh:mm:ss)
#4, by afrlmeTuesday, 17. February 2015, 22:37 10 years ago
Ah that old chestnut again eh!
I wrote that script ages ago. Not sure why it should be resetting itself though, unless you are reinitializing the script by calling it each time you load the menu scene.