For creating scene images I use a layer based graphic editing program (like Inkscape, Gimp or Photoshop). For all removable objects in the scene I create a separate layer. After exporting all layers I have a stack of full size images like that (the biggest part of the image area is transparent):
Now I could use this image as it is on screen position 0,0. But if you have many object layers like that (animations for example) the video memory could be a problem. The only solution is to crop the image. On Linux and Mac OS the command line tool "convert" is very helpful. If you type:
convert mug_layer.png -trim mug_cropped.png
you get a cropped image (-trim is an auto crop function):
But what is the exact position of that image now? If you are annoyed by positioning "by hand", here is a little hint: The convert tool add a new chunk named
"oFFs" (Image Offset) inside the png, that saves the upper left corner from the crop operation. You can display that coordinates by an information call of "convert":
convert mug_cropped.png info:
And what you get is the correct image position of your cropped image (the two values with the + before):
mug_cropped.png PNG 112x126 1920x1080+1716+540 8-bit Grayscale Gray 3.88KB
X-Position = 1716
Y-Position = 540
PS: You can read out that "oFFs" chunk inside the PNG with a simple
python script too.
Type "
python mug_cropped.png" and you get the coordinates:
Position x: 1716
Position y: 540