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  • #1, by umberto parisiThursday, 16. November 2017, 03:33 7 years ago
    Hi to everyone, i'm Umberto,i have not a license yet. I made my previous game "Chronicle of Innsmouth"with another engine and now i would like to go to a platform that can support multiple platform specifically for adventure games. 
    I had a lot of good feedback about visionaire and i would like to try it. The goal is the professional license but i would like to know if i can start with the base one, make some test and eventually  upgrade it later. 
    Thanks for the answers.


    5 Posts

  • #2, by denis-Thursday, 16. November 2017, 08:28 7 years ago
    Ciao Umberto e benvenuto nella "famiglia" di Visionaire Studio
    Io sono Denis (Italia)  ed è da parecchi anni che sono iscritto a questo forum .In questi anni ho visto non nascere... ma crescere ed evolvere questo motore grafico! A differenza degli altri tools di sviluppo qua abbiamo una comunità che è sempre attiva e pronta ad aiutare e i programmatori che "ascoltano" i nostri suggerimenti facendo in modo di adattare alle nostre esigenze questo straordinario programma di sviluppo. 
    A differenza di AGS potresti veramente creare un' avventura senza nemmeno digitare una riga di codice (vedi Zak McKracken: Between Time and Space) ma il massimo delle potenzialità le ottieni con il linguaggio LUA. 
    Supporto multipoiattaforma (Win Mac Linux IoS e Android)  

    Spero tu possa trovare qua quello che cerchi e
    In ogni caso credo di parlare a nome a nome di tutti dandoti il benvenuto.

    Denis "The MenphiS".


    74 Posts

  • #3, by AlexThursday, 16. November 2017, 11:27 7 years ago

    you can start with the Indie License and later on when you're ready to publish your  game you can purchase a professional license (or whatever license fits your need).  An upgrade is not possible because prices for Indie License are already very low.

    Great Poster

    378 Posts

  • #4, by umberto parisiFriday, 17. November 2017, 12:43 7 years ago
    Thanks for answers, by the way i'm playing a little with free version. It's very intuitive and  i like it.
    I have some questions:

    I don't know if it's a limit of free version but how can i decide the multiplier for windowed mode run to have a bigger window? (the game setting is on 320x200)

    There's some solution for object scaling like a "render at screen resolution" to avoid distorsion on high res screen?

    I'm wondering if there's a way to for example have a 320 x 200 assets but upscaling to higher res with them fitting screen.

    thanks again and greetings for your work it seems vere very good!


    5 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeFriday, 17. November 2017, 12:53 7 years ago
    You have to create an options menu & use Lua script to be able to read/write data from/to a config.ini file. That way the player can determine the default language, volume levels, resolution of window mode, etc.

    There are some filter options in the game properties tab (cog icon on main menu). Choose nearest neighbor in the minification/magnification filter dropdowns if your game has a low default game resolution. HD resolutions should have the filters set to linear interpolation.

    I believe there will be some artifacts generated by screen scaling, but that's to be expected with 2D images. They aren't 3D so they lack anti-aliasing for smoothing out the pixels & they aren't vector either. It's a shame VS doesn't have support for vector images.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by umberto parisiFriday, 17. November 2017, 13:05 7 years ago
    already did it, but i would like to know if there's some options (maybe in full version) to have the scaling use the screen resolution instead of native one to have less artifact. (this is how it works with previous engine i used)


    5 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeFriday, 17. November 2017, 14:40 7 years ago
    What do you mean? Scaling up or down to fit the screensize will always generate some artifacts. The only way you don't get artifacts is if the game is played at the default game resolution you specified in the game properties tab.

    Fullscreen mode always scales the game up/down to fit the screen. Window mode by default unless you have manually specified a different resolution field in the config.ini file will scale the game to the default game resolution size.


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by umberto parisiFriday, 17. November 2017, 18:26 7 years ago
    i was talking about character depht scaling


    5 Posts

  • #9, by sebastianFriday, 17. November 2017, 19:43 7 years ago
    character pixel size cant go smaller than the resolution of your project. It will not look like in AGS so that the pixels get smaller (which looks nor right by the way). It will look like the classic resolution scaling of objects like in MI1/2, DOTT, Indy or Flight of the Amazon Queen

    regarding window mode:
    you could run a lua script at game start to double/triple/quaduple the size of the window

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeFriday, 17. November 2017, 20:18 7 years ago
    character pixel size cant go smaller than the resolution of your project. It will not look like in AGS so that the pixels get smaller (which looks nor right by the way). It will look like the classic resolution scaling of objects like in MI1/2, DOTT, Indy or Flight of the Amazon Queen

    regarding window mode:
    you could run a lua script at game start to double/triple/quaduple the size of the window
    Which is simple enough. smile

    local res = game.WindowResolution -- store default game resolution
    setWindowSize({x = (res.x * 2),y = (res.y * 2)}) -- scale double


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by umberto parisiFriday, 17. November 2017, 20:46 7 years ago
    Thanks guys i will look forward into it wink


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