General Camera "Zoom-out"

  • #1, by curiousbearWednesday, 18. December 2013, 20:30 12 years ago
    First of all, I hope this is in the correct category, now, my question is this. My test game right now is quite "zoomed in". Is it possible to get the camera further back? I have searched but to no avail. I attached to pictures with what I have and what I want.


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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 18. December 2013, 21:25 12 years ago
    we were discussing this in another thread recently & the only thing I can think of is using lua to scale each object/character/background etc up/down all at the same time. but having said that... it would not be a simple thing to do.


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  • #3, by curiousbearWednesday, 18. December 2013, 21:28 12 years ago
    So I guess the only (easy) option would be to take a 1920x1080 picture instead of the gigantic resolution the phone has. Or will it zoom in there too?


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  • #4, by ShyralonWednesday, 18. December 2013, 22:13 12 years ago
    As far as I know it only zooms if the image is larger than your resolution, so 1920x1080 for a game resolution of 1920x1080 should work.


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  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 18. December 2013, 23:50 12 years ago
    hmm... yeah sorry it only crops into the background if the background is larger than your game default resolution. once you compile your game, a config.ini file will automatically be created & inside this is a setting: "resolution =" - if the resolution is set to auto then your game will automatically be scaled up/down depending on the players screen resolution.

    for a dynamic zoom you would have to do what I mentioned with lua but the simple method would be to make another scene with a zoomed out image & just switch to that scene as required.


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  • #6, by curiousbearThursday, 19. December 2013, 00:07 12 years ago
    I see, I'll try that tomorrow. I assumed I could change the cameras position when I took the picture, but it's okay, learning experience!


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  • #7, by afrlmeThursday, 19. December 2013, 01:48 12 years ago
    it's a 2d engine, so we don't get luxuries like camera modes/views or lighting/shadows etc. but hey at least you can make a commercial class game in full hd without having to type a single line of code; of course that all depends on your, or your teams skills wink


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  • #8, by curiousbearThursday, 19. December 2013, 12:59 12 years ago
    Yeah, it's true.

    It's jsut that from a user point of view, if you look at it seems something "REALLY" simple. It's "just" the camera position going forward or backwards. But again, that's the user side, and I know it's not that easy from the other side grin

    Still, quite a nice engine, very simple to use and yet so powerful!


    9 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeThursday, 19. December 2013, 13:13 12 years ago
    yeah I know it seems simple but as I mentioned: it's not the camera you would be zooming out, it would be the background & all of the objects & characters etc on the scene.

    the devs could probably write some global function that could do that but the thing is that the character's are scaled based on the waypoint borders/paths (if you add character scale points) that you set up for the scene, which would complicate matters a wee bit I think.


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  • #10, by ScubidubiTuesday, 18. March 2014, 11:59 11 years ago
    I have no idea of coding or my prmitive in engine workaround was to create areas that change scene to the zoomed version of the scene and vice versa. so there is a right entry zone, a upper right, .. and so on. with a smooth transition it works okay for me :p

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