Ganze Kulissen zwischen Projekten kopieren

  • #1, by joerg-burbachWednesday, 12. April 2017, 10:52 8 years ago
    Liebes Forum,

    ich möchte ganze Kulissen gerne von anderen Mitgliedern meines Teams entwickeln lassen - so muss niemand darauf warten, dass die .ved-Datei wieder frei zum Bearbeiten ist.

    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, vollständige Szenen zu ex- und wieder importieren? So könnte halt die Animatorin auf ihrem Rechner eine Zwischensequenz bauen, die ich dann in meinen Projektstand übernehme.



    32 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 12. April 2017, 13:12 8 years ago
    There's actually an option under file to save a team file ved.

    Quick note: you can't all work on the same section at the same time, so you would all have to communicate between each other on who works on what & when.

    More information on team files here:


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by joerg-burbachWednesday, 12. April 2017, 13:25 8 years ago
    Thanks for clarification. So, in fact, different team members can work on different scenes of the same project. (not including scripts)

    I will try some things, and post here, if/when I checked the workflow :-)


    32 Posts

  • #4, by joerg-burbachWednesday, 12. April 2017, 13:33 8 years ago
    I check the team-thingy. Worked for a simple object in a simple scene.

    Hope, it's rock solid :-)


    32 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 12. April 2017, 13:43 8 years ago
    I check the team-thingy. Worked for a simple object in a simple scene.

    Hope, it's rock solid :-)
    Sorry mate, I can't be any more help in regards to team files as it's not something I use.

    From my understanding, you can import team files into your main/master ved & they will then update the master ved with whatever they have edited/added/removed while leaving the rest of the master ved untouched - I might be wrong though...


    7285 Posts