Game Map (Monkey Island Style)

  • #1, by duartegarinSaturday, 10. August 2013, 14:38 12 years ago
    Hello Guys,

    I need to setup a map in the game, which the player can use to navigate to several diferente scenes.

    Has anyone set something like this with Visionare? What would be the best approach?




    21 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 10. August 2013, 15:33 12 years ago
    just create a normal scene with the map as the background image & assign a small character scale to one of the way points. use either object areas or action areas to control the available location points/sections.
    use conditions &/or if else queries to control which locations are available - if required.


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  • #3, by duartegarinSunday, 11. August 2013, 14:26 12 years ago

    Will try it.


    21 Posts

  • #4, by nuncioWednesday, 28. August 2013, 09:46 12 years ago
    i just wanted to ask the same question grin thanks.

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