Game Immediately Crashes!

  • #1, by ygmantellFriday, 30. June 2017, 07:11 7 years ago
    So basically, after adding a certain scene object (a relatively simple one to a relatively empty scene), the game window crashes the second I run it!  

    Ive tried deleting the object, duplicating the scene and running it from the new one, restarted the editor, updated graphic drivers, everything!  
    Before I added in the scene object, everything worked fine (except a resolution issue I mention in another thread), but it persists even after I delete it.

    (The scene is the first/only scene so far).

    Nothing seems to work!
    Any help would be most appreciated.

    Thanks so much!

    Great Poster

    274 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaFriday, 30. June 2017, 09:25 7 years ago
    My game crashed when I had slightly overlapping wayborders. Really small things can cause a chrash. (and are hard to find) Maybe in your case there is a stray point of your object polygon in an awkward place?

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #3, by ygmantellFriday, 30. June 2017, 16:45 7 years ago
    Overlapping way borders in two different areas of the scene, or like a stray point that made a side of the border overlap with another side?
    (If that made any sense smile )


    EDIT:  Also, does it make sense that the error would persist even after I delete the (only) scene?(!)
    I guess I can try making a new scene with more open way borders and see if that works...

    My way borders are pretty tight, as I am making a sidescrolling game.


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    274 Posts

  • #4, by ygmantellFriday, 30. June 2017, 16:52 7 years ago
    Oooookkkay then!
    I made the way borders a little less tight and it fixed it!
    But, it only worked after removed a way point that was off screen and moved in the way borders from off screen.

    I wanted the player to be able to walk offscreen to switch to a different scene, so I figured that would be the way to do it.  Is that not correct?

    Thank you so much!

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  • #5, by esmeraldaFriday, 30. June 2017, 20:39 7 years ago
    Deleting your only scene will always crash your game. You have to have at least one scene.

    If you can move the wayborders outside your scene is something I will have to test. I don't think I tried that...

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #6, by ygmantellFriday, 30. June 2017, 20:53 7 years ago
    I meant deleting that scene and making another, simpler one.  But, fixing the wayborders/points fixed it!  I guess Ill try again to see if the character can walk offscreen, albeit more carefully this time.

    Thank you all so much for your help!

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