Hey folks!
Sorry for bumping this thread, it's just almost similliar to my problem and I didn't want to start a new thread.
First off, I wasn't working on my project for something about twelve months, so I guess I missed a few things.
Ok. On my old rig I was using the 3.7 version. The single click interface was working just like I wanted it to be.(made it the same way like in the tutorial)
Left click: action/going, right click: looking. I could use the right click before the left click and vise versa.
Now I want to work on my new rig with the 4.1 version. (I've just copied the original folder on to my new rig.)
And all is fine.
But now I have to use the left click first,otherwise I'm not able to use the right click which is not the way I want it to be.
Is this just a bug? Cause originally ( with 3.7) it was working and now it doesent. Also I haven't changed anything...
Thanks in advance for the help.
PS: I'll make some screenshots later, when I'm back again!