Frage zu Posen beim Sprechen

  • #1, by Marian77Sunday, 20. April 2014, 22:22 11 years ago

    gerade bin ich dabei, diverse kleine Animationen für Jacob zu animieren (gehen, nehmen, etc.) und habe eine doofe Frage. Vermutlich würde sich die Frage von selber klären, wenn ich einfach mal mit Visionaire loslegen würde, aber ich will so viele Grafiken wie möglich fertig haben, bevor ich mit Visionaire loslege, allerdings will ich auch nach Möglichkeit nicht in die falsche Richtung arbeiten. Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Unterscheiden sich die Bildsequenzen, die beim Sprechen abgespielt werden irgendwie von den Bildsequenzen beim Gehen und Nehmen? Oder anders gefragt: Wenn mein Charakter spricht und nur die Lippen bewegt, brauche ich da Bilder des gesamten Charakters, oder wird da nur der Kopf mit den sich bewegenden Lippen irgendwo hin gepappt? Ich tippe ja darauf, dass der gesamte Charakter auf dem Bild zu sehen sein muss, aber ich dachte, ich frage lieber mal.
    Da es hier um eine Banalität geht, kann der Thread auch nach Beantwortung der Frage gerne gelöscht werden.


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  • #2, by GreenLightDevelopmentSunday, 20. April 2014, 22:36 11 years ago
    Den kompletten Char ;-)

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  • #3, by Marian77Sunday, 20. April 2014, 22:55 11 years ago
    OK, danke. Dann kann der Thread hier eigentlich auch gelöscht werden.

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  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 20. April 2014, 23:36 11 years ago
    only you can delete the thread wink

    because we don't currently have sprite part/bone animation support, you need to create the whole animation of the character walking & talking at the same time, as GLD, more or less, said.


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  • #5, by Marian77Monday, 21. April 2014, 08:59 11 years ago
    Ok, I'll do that. But before, an other question crossed my mind: Will I have to create speaking animations with various lengths for short and long lines? For example, a 12 frame sequence with a slightly defensive arm animation will do, if Jacob just says "no.". One second. What if Jacob says something much longer? Will I have to animate the whole speech? Or will it be ok when I create, let's say 10 different short sequences and have them played one after the other until the length of the speech is reached? Like this, I would have to add up all the short sequences for every single line Jacob says. Or can Visionaire get a pool of poses to chose from and pick random poses and adding them until they fit the length of the line?

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  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 21. April 2014, 14:09 11 years ago
    it is possible to control what chunk of talk animation is shown via Lua script but in general no, without using Lua you would have to create multiple outfits or animations for each direction & change the character animation index to the required one.

    If you wanted to lip sync then you need to leave the talk animation section blank & instead create the animations underneath the character animations section where you trigger them manually as needed - I think.

    I'm not 100% sure how Daedalic sorted out lip sync for their games, but I will look into it at some point.

    Only thing I know is that the most ideal thing for you to do is to use the narration text & position at the bottom of screen inside some black bands or something or semi-transparent box maybe, which would allow you to trigger each animation as required instead of triggering the normal talk animations automatically. With this method you could also have your character talking/walking at the same time too.


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  • #7, by Marian77Saturday, 03. May 2014, 14:29 11 years ago
    Here it's me again with some questions about the talking animations. Still bugging me. I still don't get how this exactly works, so I have not created the talking animations yet. I will create them when I know how exactly VS handles the talking animations. First, let me tell you, what I want and what I've got:
    I will not have lipsync, this would blow my time budget by far. I just want simple lip and face movement when Jacob talks and some gestures. Here's my plan: I will create a sequence of, let's say about 15 frames in which Jacob opens and closes his mouth, blinks and moves his head while talking. I will create these 15 frames for every direction that Jacob could stand. This will be the "normal talk" frame sequence, which should be used for 90% of the normal stuff being said, for example when he comments on things he looks at. Just as an example, the following three things will be said:
    -"This looks like a pretty strong lock."
    -"You want me to reach into a sharp edged hole in the wall? With my hands? Really? I won't do that."

    For each of the sentences I pick my standard talk animation and chose the sequence that points the way I want. (At least this is how I imagine this to work, correct me if I'm wrong). Now saying "No!" takes half a second. The second line takes about 3 seconds, the last line maybe 8 seconds.
    What will VS do when I have a long line? Will VS loop the 15 frames I have? If yes, this would be pretty satisfying. What will VS do with a short line like "No!" ? Will VS play my 15 frame sequence anyway, or will it just stop playing the sequence after half a second? Or do I need to create a totally different sequence only consisting of 5 frames for the short lines? How do I tell VS anyway how long a line is? Or asked differently: How do I align the length of the talk animation to the length of the line? Is there a tutorial on this subject?

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