fog with particle system ?

  • #1, by wimfThursday, 28. September 2017, 00:28 8 years ago

    I would like for a scene to create mist on the ground, which envelops the feet of the character. 

    I do not know if it's possible to do with the integrated particle editor?

    thank you

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  • #2, by caligarimarteThursday, 28. September 2017, 11:14 8 years ago
    If you want it to feel 3D, so that you can in Fact see the Feet move through Layers of Mist, I guess that is not possible with Particles, but it might be "easy" to achieve if the Fog is still, then you can just use several Objects which are several Z-Layers of Mist: Imagine your Room had a Grid and each Z-Level was a separate Object which is one "Line" of Fog, and the next Line closer to the Camera has its own Line of Fog a little below the first one, and so on and so on, and then you set the right Object Centers for each Line, and if you use enough such Layers, you could achieve a decent Effect where only the Feet are more and more engulfed in Mist the further the Character goes into the Background.

    If however you just meant one Layer of Fog that is at the very Front and only in the lower Part of the Screen, sure, you can do that with Particles. The Method I described above might also work if you used several Particle-Effects placed at different Points, if they accept the Object Center where they are set -- I haven't yet tested that.

    Equally for a non-3D Effect, I myself woud prefer to just use a Shader across the whole Screen (or maybe an Object, if you still have other Objects in the Foreground in Front of the Mist) with one Cloud-Texture overlayed moving in different Directions and getting more transparent towards the Top of the Screen. But only because I like Shaders. Particles should work just fine.
    (I would have an Idea for how the 3D-Fog lingering only around the Feet could possibly be achieved with a Shader put on the Character as well, but I do not know whether it would be possible to code in Visionaire -- it would demand that the Screen-UV could be projected onto the Character-Texture's UV.)

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  • #3, by wimfThursday, 28. September 2017, 21:57 8 years ago
    Hi smile thank for your help.

    It is good idea. I will test this weekend :p

    If it works, I will post an image

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  • #4, by wimfThursday, 28. September 2017, 23:48 8 years ago
    I just did a quick test with a animation in png with alpha channel, which I put in front plan. That's what happens. I will now generate a better animation of mist to have a clean effect.

    What do you think ?

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  • #5, by caligarimarteFriday, 29. September 2017, 09:58 8 years ago
    Looks right. smile
    Except for that unlooping Loop-Point at 0:08, that should be corrected.

    Using an Animation surely allows for some artistic Control over how the Fog can look, so that is good. (Personally, I would find it cool if there were also some Whirls in the Fog-Animation, to make it more mysterious -- but that is just a Matter of personal Taste.)

    On the technical Side, I would ask whether the Animation is running at a Scale of 100%. This looks like it would be an excellent Opportunity to have only a very small Graphic, like maybe even just 10% or 25% of the original Size, and scale it up with a few short Lines of Lua, for the Sake of Efficiency and because it is already blurry. (In which Case the Scaling-Origin would probably have be set manually or -- the Method I prefer -- there would have to be two super-transparent 1%-Alpha Pixels in the upper Corners, so the Image-Dimensions remain the same throughout the Animation.)

    By the Way, the Ambience-Sounds in that Scene (combined with a foggy blue'ish Colorscheme) make me feel like I right inside the "Blade Runner" PC-Game again. o__o Which is very good!

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  • #6, by wimfFriday, 29. September 2017, 14:29 8 years ago

    Yes, the loop is normal, it is a test for alpha channel only

    Now, i work of the better loop et better fog

    I will follow your advice, thank you very much

    For the music, it is a personal composition, but as I love music like this, I stay in the same style smile

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  • #7, by wimfFriday, 29. September 2017, 17:35 8 years ago
    Last update for 'the cemetery'.  I reworked the effect of fog

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  • #8, by caligarimarteFriday, 29. September 2017, 18:03 8 years ago
    Subtle, but looks very good. : )

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  • #9, by wimfFriday, 29. September 2017, 18:13 8 years ago
    Thank :p

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