FMV Game - Is it possible?

  • #1, by frenzykittyThursday, 23. October 2014, 10:42 11 years ago
    Hi everyone. I'm very keen on developing a FMV game, as I am a filmmaker by trade. Would it be possible in Visionaire? Do you have any advice for how it might work?



    6 Posts

  • #2, by HellVanSingThursday, 23. October 2014, 11:16 11 years ago
    Can do you explain what do you mean by "FMV game"? Almost every game has sequences and cutscenes. If do you want to include some in your game: No problem, Visionaire can handle this.


    67 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeThursday, 23. October 2014, 12:12 11 years ago
    I think he's probably talking about games like Tex Murphy & the later Gabriel Knight games that consisted of static/animated scenes that played a video whenever the player interacted with something on the screen.

    Sure it's possible but your actual scenes still need to be made as they normally would by creating & placing your images & animations into each scene. VS does not allow you to play videos in the background.

    You would need to use a greenscreen, some software or a combination of both to cut out your scene objects/characters etc.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by BigStansFriday, 24. October 2014, 10:48 11 years ago
    Real Full Motion video games… was mostly an mix of "play an movie" and use mouse coords to make something in a specific time.
    It has to do with an high cpu and gpu load. Currently we "hide" the mouse and that's good. See it as an movie player. Making games like tex murphy was possible. It's an mix of 3D and movies.

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #5, by frenzykittyFriday, 24. October 2014, 12:20 11 years ago
    I would say something like Phantasmagoria 2. Thoughts / Suggestions?


    6 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 24. October 2014, 13:23 11 years ago
    Hmm... I believe that game is comprised of photo stills that have been taken/cropped for the playable scenes. The character seems to be an object in the scene also that looks towards cursor position when you go past x amount from his center position. All the interactions are done with video cutscenes or by fading/transitioning static scene objects.

    This is based on what I've just watched on youtube. I've not played the game myself.

    You could alternatively use 3D for the playable parts of each scene as David (bigstans) suggested. You could also still have your character walking around but only if you have a green screen (or whatever is needed) & a lot of patience as you will have a ton of frames to carefully cut out to create each character animation. I would recommend keeping the character statically in place during interactive scenes to reduce the amount of work involved.


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