Flickering object text

  • #1, by hussainpatelWednesday, 14. June 2017, 12:16 8 years ago
    Hi! I've been using Visionaire for a couple of weeks now and I've been using Andi Liddells tutorials to get me familiar with the basics.

    In his tutorial he goes through making a verb coin although I wanted a single click interface, so I found and followed the Single Click Interface tutorial on the wiki.

    I have a small issue where after interacting with the object, if the cursor is moved outside of the range of the object area while some text is displayed the object name will flash up for a split second. It looks a little unprofessional. Is there any way of using transparency to avoid this? Or is there a part of the tutorial that's inadvertently creating this issue?


    2 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. June 2017, 13:33 8 years ago
    No, it's just something weird with the engine where it's not clearing the action/object text before reshowing the mouse cursor. You can workaround this by disabling action text briefly. I know I looked into this because someone else asked the other month about it. I can't remember my solution exactly but it was something along the lines of using Lua script to turn action text off then back on about 1 second or so after a cutscene/display text, etc.

    I know I will have it in a ved somewhere, but which is another question entirely. Sorry. Maybe whoever asked me will be able to provide the solution I used. My bloody memory is terrible.

    Anyway, what's happening is that when displayed text is shown it essentially triggers a cutscene which hides the mouse cursor, however you can still technically move the mouse - bit dumb, I know - but because interaction is currently disabled it's not bothering to check what's below the cursor, so it likely still thinks the cursor is above the object/character you interacted with until the loop handler reactivates & starts checking what's under the cursor again, hence the brief flash of text that remains visible.

    Ok, here's another solution you could potentially use besides briefly hiding the action text... use the setCursor() Lua function inside of an execute a script action part somewhere inside of each objects/characters action list & force the cursor to jump back to the object/characters position, so that the cursor is locked to that position. You could also use a loop to force cursor position to prevent player from moving it by enabling & disabling a mainLoop event handler whenever needed.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by sebastianWednesday, 14. June 2017, 13:36 8 years ago
    i think this has to be corrected by Simon in the Visionaire Player and reordered in the code to clear the actiontext immideatly after reaching object destination... 

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  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. June 2017, 13:57 8 years ago
    i think this has to be corrected by Simon in the Visionaire Player and reordered in the code to clear the actiontext immideatly after reaching object destination... 
    it's not the action text mate. Well it is, but it isn't. It's being able to move the mouse cursor even during cutscene/cursor wrapper & the event listener being put on pause during these events that handles listing object below cursor. At least this is what I believe is happening. So, yeah... mouse cursor should either be fixed to position on scene/screen during one of these events or the event listener that handles object below cursor should be allowed to keep updating. Personally I think mouse cursor should be forced into fixed position of where it was when it was hidden as it makes more sense.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by hussainpatelWednesday, 14. June 2017, 13:58 8 years ago
    Oh I see, thanks for the explaination. I've not used any scripts yet but I guess now is a better time than any to learn them. I'll try both of your ideas (turning action text on/off and locking/setting the cursor position to the object).

    Sorry that I missed the previous post about this same issue!


    2 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. June 2017, 14:00 8 years ago
    Oh I see, thanks for the explaination. I've not used any scripts yet but I guess now is a better time than any to learn them. I'll try both of your ideas (turning action text on/off and locking/setting the cursor position to the object).

    Sorry that I missed the previous post about this same issue!
    Don't worry about it. The search function is somewhat broken at the minute & we can't expect people to manually sift through 100's & 1000's of posts to see if someone else has already posted/asked about something similar before. wink


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