First-Person Dialog: Position Question

  • #1, by woogyMonday, 15. June 2020, 13:58 5 years ago
    Hallo Community, 
    Setting: First person and one NPC.
    Is there a possibility that my dialog text is not displayed at the top left of the screen?
    thanks for your help

    Hallo Community, 
    Setting: First-Person und ein NPC.
    Ist es möglich, dass meine Frage nicht oben links am Bildschrimrand angezeigt wird?

    Danke für Eure Hilfe :-)


    17 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaMonday, 15. June 2020, 15:48 5 years ago
    I guess you are using an invisible character. Are you positioning this character somewhere in the scene? As far as I recall the positioning should be enough to place the text over its "head".
    (I never do first-person, so I'm not sure)
    If positioning an invisible character is not working - you could use a sprite of a character with one semitransparent pixel (donwside is that a cursor could react when hovering in the right place)

    Or use display narration text. Then you can place the text wherever you want.

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #3, by NigecMonday, 15. June 2020, 15:49 5 years ago
    the inviible charcter moves to the top corner, hence why the text is up there
    A simple solution it to trap the character in a wayborder were you want the text to be, you set his start position inside the way border

    You could use Narrator text or set the text position via lua there's quite a few options, I usully use narrator but I'm not sure if that'll work with a conversation

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #4, by esmeraldaMonday, 15. June 2020, 15:57 5 years ago
    To make narration text work in a dialogue you would need to tick the box "alternative text for dialogue part" and execute an action where you display the narration text. (and the answer)

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #5, by woogyMonday, 15. June 2020, 16:14 5 years ago
    Thank you Esmeralda & Nigec :-)


    17 Posts

  • #6, by woogyMonday, 15. June 2020, 16:23 5 years ago
    To make narration text work in a dialogue you would need to tick the box "alternative text for dialogue part" and execute an action where you display the narration text. (and the answer)
    Alternative text with an action and the narration box works...
    but first the normal text is displayed, and then the narration box :-)

    It works with a dummy player.

    Thank you


    17 Posts

  • #7, by esmeraldaMonday, 15. June 2020, 16:44 5 years ago
    oh, text shouldn't be displayed. It works for me without the text getting displayed.
    You need to leave the box for the text empty...

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #8, by woogyMonday, 15. June 2020, 16:52 5 years ago

    wenn ich aber eine NPC-Antwort eingebe, dann wird diese Antwort vor meiner eigentlichen Frage angezeigt smile

    Probiere es mal in Deinem Beispiel aus...


    17 Posts

  • #9, by esmeraldaMonday, 15. June 2020, 16:54 5 years ago
    Die Antwort muss auch in die Aktion, nach dem narration text.

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #10, by woogyMonday, 15. June 2020, 16:58 5 years ago
    Danke Dir :-)


    17 Posts