Fade to White Execute Script?

  • #1, by ygmantellThursday, 31. August 2017, 14:43 7 years ago
    So I want the fade for flashbacks in my game to be to white, but I'm not sure how...
    I know theres the method where I have an all white image that I fade in and out, but that seems like the biggest pain (having that object on both scenes?)

    Is there a script or something I can just call or execute to fade the scene to white and back?
    I use the bit of code below to fade to black, if that has any overlap...

    game.CurrentScene:to(1000, {SceneBrightness = 0})

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  • #2, by caligarimarteThursday, 31. August 2017, 15:01 7 years ago
    Visionaire 5 has a new Action Part for Color-Fades, right under the "Scene"-Header. smile

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  • #3, by dionousThursday, 31. August 2017, 15:14 7 years ago
    Correct, "Start color overlay" action part

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  • #4, by ygmantellThursday, 31. August 2017, 15:16 7 years ago
    Awesome!  Didn't know that!
    Thanks so much!

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  • #5, by zurikFriday, 16. August 2019, 13:19 5 years ago
    Hey guys. How can I have a slow fade to black , a couple of seconds pause, and fade to a new scene? Should I use "Start color overlay"? I can't quite do it the way I want with "normal" fade to scene commands. I would like to have control over tha speed of the fade and lenght of the black screen. 


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  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 16. August 2019, 14:51 5 years ago
    yeah start color overlay will work fine, you can also control the brightness of the scene too.


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  • #7, by zurikFriday, 16. August 2019, 15:22 5 years ago
    Thank you, but how do I fade from black to a new scene. This doesn't work grin


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  • #8, by esmeraldaFriday, 16. August 2019, 16:30 5 years ago
    set the scene change to immediatly and add another "start color overlay" after that. There you fade to the same color, but now set the visibility to "0".

    Key Killer

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  • #9, by zurikMonday, 19. August 2019, 09:36 5 years ago
    Perfect! Thanks a lot! (There was a loop that started the fade several times - that's why I got confused). smile


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