Facing objects?

  • #1, by nebirviWednesday, 14. February 2018, 15:12 7 years ago
    So! The system for facing Items you interact with in Visionaire is easy and great, but I have one question. And that is how to make the caracter always just turn to the object instead of choosing a set position for him/her to walk to and turn. I mean, if the object is in the middle of the room it would look rediculus to set out a single place where this object can be observed. I would just want the character to face the object when pressed and say something about it. No moving, no set angle, just face the object. Any ideas?


    30 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianWednesday, 14. February 2018, 15:26 7 years ago
    Hey nebirvi, 

    there is an option for that in the main game settings so that the character looks to its center position.

    Also in the object actions itself use the "immediate" actions so that the character wont walk to it

    hope that helps smile 


    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. February 2018, 16:15 7 years ago
    There's also an action part which allows you to allign the character to a specified direction or a scene object.

    Quick note: it aligns to the object position you define for the scene object, not to the scene objects sprite, so you have to take into consideration that depending on the characters position & the interaction position you assign to the object that the character may end up looking the wrong direction at times.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by nebirviThursday, 15. February 2018, 21:51 7 years ago
     I'm not quite clear with what you mean I'm afraid.
    With Main game settings I presume you mean the cogwheel ("game") tab In that case, do you mean the "Align character on immediate execution"? It sounds promising but once in a while I might want the character to walk over tho the object first... :/

    Hmm, well. She did turn towards the object... but before doing so she walked all the way to the left of the screen. I have cleared my position, so it is at -1x and -1y so I don't get why.

    If I changed the value of x to 700 she instead walked to the middle of the screen and faced up, saying nothing.


    30 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeThursday, 15. February 2018, 21:57 7 years ago
    Did you create an execute command "example" (immediate) action for the scene object?

    It sounds like it's trying to walk to a position in the scene that is outside of the way border you have created. If that's the case then it's not executing the actions because it's not triggering an immediate action type & is instead trying to walk to a destination it will never reach thus it's not executing the actions.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by esmeraldaThursday, 15. February 2018, 22:29 7 years ago
     I'm not quite clear with what you mean I'm afraid.
    With Main game settings I presume you mean the cogwheel ("game") tab In that case, do you mean the "Align character on immediate execution"? It sounds promising but once in a while I might want the character to walk over tho the object first... :/

    That is the option Sebastian was refering to.
    It just means that the character turns to the object position if you choose "immediate execution" in the dropdown menu of the execution types. If you choose to "execute at destination" the character will still walk to the designated spot.

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #7, by nebirviFriday, 16. February 2018, 12:55 7 years ago
    @AFRLme Got it! But she still don't turn the right way. I think I'm going blind on this problem by now...


    30 Posts

  • #8, by esmeraldaFriday, 16. February 2018, 14:23 7 years ago
    ... But she still don't turn the right way. ...
    Did you tick the box of "Align character on immediate execution"? 

    Or are you using the action part "align character" (to direction / to object)?

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #9, by nebirviFriday, 16. February 2018, 15:57 7 years ago
    I tried both, just now to tick the box. When I use the box "Align character on immediate execution" she turns at random angles when the item is clicked on. Soemtimes left, sometimes up and so on.

    When I use the align character she doesn't turn at all. In both cases the text works just fine.

    Thanks though for keep helping everybody smile I feel we got this soon!


    30 Posts

  • #10, by esmeraldaSaturday, 17. February 2018, 15:10 7 years ago
    Hm... you did delete the object position, didn't you? The character will align itself to the object position (not to the image of the object itself). If there is no specified position, she cannot turn to the right direction.

    If you do have an object position an the character is still not turning the right way, maybe you could provide some screenshots of your settings of the object and your actions.

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #11, by nebirviMonday, 19. February 2018, 15:04 7 years ago
    I hope you can see everything. What is the problem? :/


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