Enable Lightmaps to be applied to objects

  • #1, by darren-beckettThursday, 03. December 2015, 11:51 9 years ago
    I believe it would be good to have a checkbox on each object, that will allow us to specify if a scenes lightmap should be applied to the object.

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  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 03. December 2015, 12:17 9 years ago
    If it did then it would either be based on the interaction position you set or the top left pixel of the static image or active animation if no interaction position wasn't set. If you were to do that, then it would be more beneficial to add an option to manually set the light map position.

    Then again... what's the point? most of your scene objects would be static anyway, so you might as well just apply the tint / lighting to them in your image editing software.

    Other alternative. Don't use the light map feature. Instead create the lighting & apply it to the scene as an overlay or as multiple overlays to add specific lighting to various object center (z-index) values.


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  • #3, by darren-beckettThursday, 03. December 2015, 18:17 9 years ago
    I was mainly thinking that it would allow the same object image to be used at any location on any scene.

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    384 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 03. December 2015, 19:16 9 years ago
    My only concern about that is that it wouldn't be able to use the object position you set nor the top left pixel of the image / animation sprites as they would be inaccurate.

    The devs would have to include an extra option which defines the position on the sprite that should be used to get the current coordinate on the scene based on that position, which would be used to return the correct tint.


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  • #5, by sebastianFriday, 04. December 2015, 08:25 9 years ago
    The problem here is that the tint gets applied to the whole object image based in one pixel location. While this is ok for moving characters, it is not well for objects since the artists in (adventure) games tend to paint their backgrounds and objects with shadows, lighting and so on. If you apply then an extra lightmap on one object it would stand of because of the new tinting...
    I would recommend AFRLme's suggestion to add an overall layer with soft lights/shadows on it.

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