Early test of game

  • #1, by nenad-asanovicFriday, 13. May 2016, 22:22 8 years ago
    This game i was working whole last year, and i had an unfortunate accident with my HDD, it was fried by electricity and i did not have backup of game project anywhere else... So, i had to start all over again but this time i do have backups on 3 different HDD even physically away from each other lol. Anyways, graphics are a bit better then before and i managed to create shadow for my characters and objects... tho it is very limited and attached to obj or character... it still looks ok i'd say. This is very early stage of game that i re-created only first 2 scenes (i had 50 different scenes doen last year... so yea DUH!) and backup lol. There are still missing random animations talk animations and even this walk and stand are not completely aligned correctly, many things may change in future of this game, but I had to start from somewhere... Anyways, here is a link and let me know what you think about it. Any comments or critiques are welcome from graphic to voices and lyrics... If you have any questions i would also gladly answer em. Have fun and take care.



    59 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 14. May 2016, 00:01 8 years ago
    Damn, it's a bugger when that happens. You don't use dropbox, google drive or anything similar to backup your files? They are pretty useful in case anything like that happens.

    I also recommend looking into a UPS power regulator box thing. We have to use those in Spain because the electricity here is so unpredictable. I bought an external drive from the UK a few years back & the first time I plugged it in over in Spain it got fried, which says a lot about the electricity here.

    Don't have much to say about the video. Graphics & stuff looks nice enough, although I'm not a massive fan of 3D looking graphics in point & click adventure games in general, but each to their own! wink

    I think the most important thing is that you haven't let losing all your previous work deter you from making your game. Definitely shows a strong sense of motivation & dedication in regards to your vision / work.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by nenad-asanovicSaturday, 14. May 2016, 00:54 8 years ago
    Yea i did buy all protections with my new pc ofc, and external usb drive. now everything is plugged through UPS. And so far i did not feel any electricity problems even when my lights are blinking in house my pc and monitor still works and can't really see anything affect em.

    I also prefer cartoon (monkey island type) then 3D graphic in point and click adventures. But i did like grim Fandango, Discworld Noir and similar games...
    In fact, those 2 was ones of my favorites... maybe that was reason that i choose 3D over cartoon for this game... I have other projects that will probably be done in cartoon style. But, not until i am done with this one smile


    59 Posts

  • #4, by PaupasiaSaturday, 14. May 2016, 17:17 8 years ago
    I like it a lot! I love mixed media but also pure 3D, no cartoony (IMHO) grin
    The characters movements are good but when she turn is a bit jerky. Sorry, the voice is a little strange, but it may be just me and you are doing a great work here grin

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  • #5, by nenad-asanovicSunday, 15. May 2016, 01:33 8 years ago
    I know about animations, it is not done yet it is in state of very early lol. the game was just set with basic animations and basic to start the game, There are missing animations, objects etc... even this animations was aligned very quickly just to have "preview" of how it will look. later on all should look much more smoothly. And the voice was a good friend that did it in hurry, just so i can have audio files to test game... i am still searching for main voice actress tho smile
    And thank you for compliment. I do think that this genre should have this sort of graphic. Cause it will be Sci-fi point and click adventure. So 3D graphic is best if you ask me to show all sci-fi pods, space stations, floating cities, sky-cars and similar smile And i already have a lot of experiences in 3D animations so why not use it.


    59 Posts

  • #6, by brut69Monday, 16. May 2016, 11:59 8 years ago
    I like the menu , the icons and overall I think it is excellent.

    Great Poster

    266 Posts

  • #7, by nenad-asanovicTuesday, 17. May 2016, 13:12 8 years ago
    Thank you. I glad you like it. This should be Sci-fi adventure... she will travel even to space stations. I hope i will manage to do this as good as it looks in my mind lol


    59 Posts

  • #8, by PaupasiaSunday, 22. May 2016, 11:26 8 years ago
    I understand, we have the same problems grin But if you did it in hurry... I cant imagine how beautiful will be the final game! grin Keep up the good work!

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