I failed to make this "ActiveAnimations["item_name"].AnimationSize = 50 -- instantly scale down to 50%;" script work
I need to instantly change items size upon clicking, so it would be like on pic.1 (Deponia). At the same time item in inventory remains same size.
1(red) - original item;
2(green) - new image (part of cursor + small item)
3(yellow) - part of the original cursor
Btw, in my game if I click on any item it wil completely replace cursor (pic.2 - my game)
1(red) - original item in inventory;
2(orange) - replaced cursor.
So I wonder, maybe in Deponia they've just replaced items image with enother one (which is combination of the part of their cursor and small size original item)?
I guess in that case I need a script that replaces images, right?
I do not much care for cursor part to remain. I just need item image to become smaller (2green).
Sorry if I didn't ask properly at the beginning. I am too dumb when it comes to scripting. =P
Thank you for your help!