Does visionaire embed fonts ? [Solved]

  • #1, by TinTinTuesday, 27. December 2016, 18:24 8 years ago

    I get success input persian ttf fonts in VS . That was hard but result was brilliant. But I'm worry for embed fonts for Android , iOS , ...

    I tested before Android 4.0 and hadn't problem in device. But on Android 5.1 I have a black screen and exit after a few second without any error .It seems VS not compatible with Android 5.1 . So I couldn't test persian fonts on mobile yet.

    Anyway , Does VS embed fonts to another ports and is it safety ?

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  • #2, by TinTinWednesday, 28. December 2016, 17:23 8 years ago

    Edit : Yes . VS can embed fonts . I test it on Android too . My problem was in use 'Shader Toolkit ' that VS can't support it for mobile yet .
    Thanks a lot Simon for help

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