Display text at beginning of scene

  • #1, by hallinniklasSunday, 11. May 2014, 15:51 11 years ago

    I have noticed something a bit odd.

    The action part called "Display text" will show a message over the characters head, and it will also lock the character in place so that she cannot walk until the player has read the whole message. When the the whole message has been shown the character can walk again. Makes sense.

    I have however noticed that when I call the "Display text" directly when the scene starts (At beginning of scene) the character is not locked in place and can walk around freely while the text is shown. This also seems to happen when the scene starts with the character already standing in an Action area that calls a Display text, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

    Has anyone else noticed this, and is there a way to fix it?



    15 Posts

  • #2, by AlzasTuesday, 02. September 2014, 17:41 10 years ago
    I would like to add to that. For some reason, when using dislpay text at the beginning of scene, pressing the mouse doesn't end the phrase the character is saying and so you are forced to just watch that and there is nothing you can do. I tried to include the display text inside a cutscene, but again nothing happens. Only by hitting escape and stoping the cutscene i take control of the character. Any ideas?


    21 Posts

  • #3, by hallinniklasTuesday, 02. September 2014, 19:05 10 years ago
    I found that the black fade-in you can have between scenes was interfering with the text displaying. What I did was to simply check how long my fades were ("fade delay, in game properties") and then put a Pause before the text longer than that.

    The dialogue is waits for a few milliseconds while the scene is fading, and then the text starts. This solved my problem with the character being able to walk while the first text was still displaying.

    Hope that helps.


    15 Posts

  • #4, by AlzasThursday, 04. September 2014, 17:08 10 years ago
    Yes it helps. Thanks a lot!


    21 Posts