I would like to find a way to disable the mouse left clicks for a few milliseconds, and automatically after each click, then enable them again.
What I tried:
in the Game settings/Left Mouse actions, I put the following actions:
Hide cursor
Pause for 100ms
Show cursor
It was working well... except when I use the Hide/Show cursor action somewhere else. In that case, the 2 actions are mixed up and you never know if the cursor will end visible or not. Which is normal...
So I would like to know:
- is there a way to check if the cursor is already shown or hidden?
- or is there another method to disable left click?
The purpose of this operation is to prevent the player to click all the time like crazy, because sometimes it creates issues with the refresh of views/actions. With a pause of 100ms after each click, the game is not slow at all, and all actions can finish for sure before the next click.
Don't know if you understand what I try to do, anyway I hope you can reply to my questions above