#1, by smac96Monday, 13. May 2013, 17:41 12 years ago
I love using cutscenes. As someone already wrote in the forum, It is the best way to prevent players from being able to move the main character around the screen or perform actions while whatever actions are listed inside of the cutscene are being performed!
But I have a problem: if the player press the ESC key during a cutscene in order to skip it (good!), all the actions inside it are skipped too (not good!). I mean, ALL. If for example some game variables have to be set to TRUE only during the cutscene, the ESC key disable this changes too!. I partially solved the problem moving some variables before or after a cutscene. But the problem remains because some variables have to change only during the cutscene.
I think a good solution could be to disable the ESC key and prevent players to skip important cutscenes. So, is there any easy way to disable the ESC key during cutscenes? Or is there another solution?
Thank you!