Direction change with random animation

  • #1, by FantozziSaturday, 28. February 2015, 11:53 10 years ago

    The random animation of my character is scratching his head. Some times when random animation of my character is played he changes direction - f. e. he is looking on a person on the left then suddenly turns back, scratches his head and then he remains standing with his back to the player. Especially when he approached a person to talk to this disturbs. If he turns away (caused by random animation) befor talking has started it seems all the conversation he's doing with the background not the person.

    Random and standing animations have exact the same directions (checked via the explorer). Do I something wrong?

    Strange thing is - as workaround I made two other outfits, one with only the standing animation and one where I defined the scratching head animation as standard animation. If I now switch between those two outfits by command, everything works fine. The character keeps direction.

    So it seems to me there is something different in the switching from standard to random animation, as the character never changes direction again if it switches back from random to standard, he remains allways how random animation oriented him.


    31 Posts

  • #2, by FantozziSunday, 01. March 2015, 15:05 10 years ago
    I have to correct this. I had completely forgotten that I made those character animations before in Visionaire 4.0 Beta. I deleted them and did them again.

    Now, on first sight, it doesn't happen anymore.


    31 Posts