Dialogue with objects ?

  • #1, by nelsoncThursday, 19. February 2015, 03:28 10 years ago
    Do I have to create a character using the character screen for every NPC or can I create dialogues with objects ?


    43 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 19. February 2015, 13:56 10 years ago
    Unless you are willing to build your own custom interface system like Daedalic did for some of their games, then dialogs are only available between characters. I think you can still trigger a dialog, even if the character you created the dialog for isn't on the scene or is hidden, so you could probably achieve whatever it is that you have in mind, that way.


    7278 Posts

  • #3, by nelsoncFriday, 20. February 2015, 02:52 10 years ago
    Thank you ! That was what I needed. I had difficulties positioning characters in scene with chair and table masks. Makes it a LOT easier to create an object instead for NPCs.


    43 Posts

  • #4, by nelsoncFriday, 20. February 2015, 03:15 10 years ago
    Correction : the dialogue does not work, player's character speaks alone. Is there a way to put a character in a scene like an object ?


    43 Posts

  • #5, by nelsoncFriday, 20. February 2015, 03:39 10 years ago
    Second correction : I managed to place characters on scene with other objects as mask, but it would be nice if there were a way to see the character on scene at design time.


    43 Posts