Dialog questions

  • #1, by LupaShivaSaturday, 23. August 2014, 13:20 11 years ago
    Hello everyone, can someone help me? How can i manage to, when the main character starts a dialog with another character, both dialogs apear in a dialog box with an image of the character? because i managed to show the main character dialgo in a dialog box with a image of her, but cant do that to other characters, the dialog box dissapear and the text appears in the scenario.

    Not sure if im explaining well, and sorry for my english
    Thank you

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  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 23. August 2014, 13:25 11 years ago
    could you post some screenshots please so I get a better understanding of what you've got so far?


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by LupaShivaSaturday, 23. August 2014, 14:59 11 years ago
    Ok here it goes


    Its a in your face adventure game


    You talk with the char

    image hosting without registration

    and then he reply but in a dialog box

    not sure if this explain it, actually it wasnt made in visionaire, just an example i did in photoshop.

    Thank you

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    134 Posts

  • #4, by LupaShivaSaturday, 23. August 2014, 14:59 11 years ago
    sorry missclicked and posted 3 times the image but in different formats.

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  • #5, by afrlmeSaturday, 23. August 2014, 16:16 11 years ago
    Create an interface & create the character images/dialog boxes as buttons & then use conditions to determine which should be shown before each displayed text.

    The actual dialog selection block itself is hidden on displayed text (just how vs seems to operate) If you want to keep the dialog box visible then just have it display via the dialog background via the interface instead as that won't be hidden on displayed texts.

    To position character texts you need to use a lua hook function, or - I'm not sure the images are actually characters or whether they are just static or animated images (avatars) that you are showing during dialogs - use the narration text action part (doesn't trigger character talk animation) which can be positioned anywhere you like on the screen.

    Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say...


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by LupaShivaSunday, 24. August 2014, 13:03 11 years ago
    Woa that was a little confusing! But ill try to see if i can, thank you for the help.

    Luìs Ramos

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  • #7, by AlzasMonday, 25. August 2014, 09:34 11 years ago
    On the topic of dialogs, i have a very simple question, that i just can't find how to answer. Suppose i have the following dialog, options

    1: Hi.
    2: What's up?
    3. Bye

    Now suppose that for the first option only, i want a series of phrases exchanged from A, to B character. For example:

    A: Hi.
    B: Hi to you too!
    A: Nice morning, it it not?
    B: It sure is.

    So, how could i do that? The 'text dialog part' is for the things my character says, and the 'answer to dialog part' where the npc answer goes. but how can i jump from one to another, like shown in the dialog above?

    Thanks in advance.


    21 Posts

  • #8, by DilatedMonday, 25. August 2014, 10:04 11 years ago
    Hey Alzas, all you need to do is this http://i.imgur.com/GWJYkY6.jpg

    If there is something you don't understand just ask.

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  • #9, by AlzasMonday, 25. August 2014, 11:44 11 years ago
    Oh....i never checked this option thinking that inside a dialog we use this only for actions like, initiating animations, adding things to inventory and all that, but didn't even thing about Display text because i though it was done somehow else....

    Maybe i should quit and go live in the mountains...

    Thanks a lot Dilated.


    21 Posts

  • #10, by GhostlygurustudiosThursday, 09. July 2015, 09:53 10 years ago
    is it still possible to do alternating character images if you use player dialogs? must be a way to set up show this image in this position if this character is speaking after a question is asked by the player.. im just too dumb to figure it out..

    for the player sure thats easy i suppose.. just add in a pic to their dialog area.. but when the player asks question or when the player or an npc character talks.. thats when im stumped...


    21 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeThursday, 09. July 2015, 13:34 10 years ago
    You could use the textStarted & textStopped Lua event handlers as you can query the owner of the text which you could then use to toggle a condition or something that shows the owners talk pic thing.
    -- * function which handles text started actions * --
    function txtStart(text)
     if text.TextOwner:getId().tableId == eCharacters then
      Conditions[text.TextOwner:getName() .. "_avatar"].ConditionValue = true
    -- * function which handles text finished actions * --
    function txtEnd(text)
     if text.TextOwner:getId().tableId == eCharacters then
      Conditions[text.TextOwner:getName() .. "_avatar"].ConditionValue = false
    -- * initialize text event handlers * --
    registerEventHandler("textStarted", "txtStart")
    registerEventHandler("textStopped", "txtEnd")

    Advanced warning: I wrote this off the top of my head, so it may or may not work. Add it as a definition script.

    To use this script you need to create an avatar pic for each character, then create a condition & give it exactly the same name as your character and amend _avatar as a prefix after the name. Set to false as default value & then assign the condition to the properties tab of the interface button containing the characters talk avatar or talk animation.

    The script should handle the actual displaying & hiding automatically.


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