Demo "example" with inventory?

  • #1, by mariusWednesday, 26. October 2016, 14:10 8 years ago
    Hi, just bought this wonderful program and i have been trying a couple of days to get a simple inventory working. But somehow it always goes bad smile

    is there a "Simple" example out there? I have downloaded all templates and tried the out but they contain alot of data i dont need. 

    I have followed this but i dont think it is optimal for tablets etc,

    Thanx in advance smile 


    7 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaWednesday, 26. October 2016, 14:57 8 years ago
    Did you look into the tutorials listed in the wiki? I found the tutorials of Suro quite helpful. They are for an older version but I think nothing changed in regard of the inventory.

    It would be easier helping you, if you could specify what exactly you are looking for. "Simple" can be nearly everything...

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #3, by mariusWednesday, 26. October 2016, 15:51 8 years ago
    Ahh, did not see the Suro tutorial . Will give it a shot. Thanx smile


    7 Posts

  • #4, by mariusWednesday, 26. October 2016, 21:54 8 years ago
    Watched the tutorial but its as far as i got.  Its bassicaly just the inventory graphics.  

    Im looking for a simple typical adventure game inventory.  

    Pick up item,  store in inventory, use item. 

    Like picking up a key, use it to open a locked box. 

    Been looking around the wiki but not much information on howto there smile 

    Would be much easier if the minimal "new game"  setting included this probably simple function im having so much trouble with hehe (hint for next update)  smile 


    7 Posts

  • #5, by sebastianWednesday, 26. October 2016, 21:56 8 years ago
    where exactly do you get stuck when creating the inventory system?
    Do you mean only the inventory itself or also adding/removing items to it?

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #6, by mariusWednesday, 26. October 2016, 22:05 8 years ago
    Well i managed to add item to inventory but item still appear in the scene.  Added action to object, left click add item, but what to add to make it dissapear from scene and how to use item on object?


    7 Posts

  • #7, by mariusWednesday, 26. October 2016, 22:10 8 years ago
    Is it possible to ask for a zip example of the basic new game but with a item and a inventory?  Im trying to just go step by step of the fantasy quest template but its a bit much i think smile 


    7 Posts

  • #8, by sebastianWednesday, 26. October 2016, 22:12 8 years ago
    You have to separate here:

    ITEMS are its own objects . SCENE OBJECTS could represent those items in the game world, but are not the same. So when you want to make an object disappear it should have a condition.

    Do the following:
    1. Click on the Scene object which represents the item
    2. go to its conditions tab
    3. add a condition and name it like "itemname_taken", set it to false as default state
    4. go to its properties tab
    5. Under the "condition" field (second field) select the newly created condition (should be found under SCENE OBJECTS > YOUR SCENE > OBJECT NAME > itemname_taken
    6. because you named the condition "itemname_taken" you have to invert the condition by ticking the "negate condition" checkmark
    7. when adding the item to the inventory also add a action part from type "change condition" and change the "itemname_taken" condition to TRUE

    The object in the world is only visible/clickable when the condition is false (until you take it and the condition is set to true)

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  • #9, by mariusWednesday, 26. October 2016, 22:44 8 years ago
    Will give it a try.  Thanx smile 


    7 Posts

  • #10, by sebastianFriday, 28. October 2016, 08:34 8 years ago
    Hope that helped a bit smile 

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #11, by mariusSunday, 30. October 2016, 10:21 8 years ago
    Still cant get it to work properly.  Would be very happy if somebody could make a "demo"  with a simple pick up item, put in inventory and use item to open a door demo smile  cant see the logic in it yet roll 

    Thanx for your help smile 


    7 Posts