Cursor is not visible

  • #1, by PH3lixSaturday, 18. May 2013, 14:52 12 years ago
    I wanted to create a smal adventure and used for that the "First Steps Tutorial". My problem is that the cursor is not visible. I did everything as described in the Tutorial but I can't see the cursor.
    Do I have to activate the cursor somewhere?


    6 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 18. May 2013, 15:51 12 years ago
    ok cheers for re-posting in English smile
    I recommend the video tutorials by Suro for getting to grips with the basics & setting up your interface.

    So you have created your cursors & assigned the interface to the current/playable character?

    if it's not something you've missed then it could be hardware related.
    I myself have have some issues in which the mouse cursor won't show up unless I enable the "Force S3TC/FXT1 Texture Compression" - one of them fixes the mouse cursor issue at the cost of less smooth looking graphics.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by PH3lixSaturday, 18. May 2013, 18:20 12 years ago
    It can't be a hardware issue because another game I created a long time ago works perfectly fine. It has to be something I missed to assign but I can't see any diference in the configuration of the old game.


    6 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 18. May 2013, 18:41 12 years ago
    can you post some screenshots of your cursors & interface setup please?


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by PH3lixSaturday, 18. May 2013, 18:53 12 years ago
    So here are my settings:


    6 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSaturday, 18. May 2013, 19:20 12 years ago
    hmm you need to create a main interface in which you create the available commands for your game; which will vary depending on the type of interface you plan on using. (right click cycle, coin, simple: left click action & right click examine etc)

    I really would recommend watching the tutorial videos by Suro that I linked earlier ...
    they explain how to correctly set up your interfaces & all the basic required things you need to do to make the game run properly; cursors, characters, way system, fonts etc.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by PH3lixSaturday, 18. May 2013, 19:40 12 years ago
    Thank you. It works now. This is a very good Tutorial


    6 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeSaturday, 18. May 2013, 20:06 12 years ago


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