#1, by saintandsimonTuesday, 18. February 2014, 12:44 11 years ago
Seems like I have a thing for getting into problems. I have this scene, which is connected to other scenes. The "motherscene" is still working it's actionparts even if other scenes are shown (just to get some nice conversations and animations going while doing other stuff, so the narrative seems more fluently whenever I return to the "motherscene")
However, when I'm in a new scene, and get back to the original one (by showing scene-action part). IF an animation already is doing its stuff, like in this case, a character turning back and talking to her child, the cursor is set as active, no matter where I have the cursor. I goes inactive only after the animation is finished.
Note that this active-cursor-all-over-the-place occurs only if I show another scene, and return to the original one, while an animation is playing.
Here are some pictures to show:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.