Creating a pop-up message/puzzle etc...

  • #1, by mutajonTuesday, 27. June 2017, 13:06 8 years ago
    How does one go about creating an object, that when clicked on opens up a pop-up image (or a puzzle). Also, while the pop-up is visible, I would like for the player to NOT be able to interact with anything else (until the pop-up is closed again).

    I know that I can show/hide stuff (like an image), but how to turn all other objects in the scene to un-interactable?



    11 Posts

  • #2, by ke4Tuesday, 27. June 2017, 13:34 8 years ago
    You could use an interface for the pop-up window. Make it big as the whole screen with a 100% transparent image as background and then put your image anywhere in the interface.

    It works the same for objects. You can have one big empty object over the whole screen showed up when you need to cancel the interactivity.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #3, by mutajonThursday, 29. June 2017, 12:45 8 years ago


    11 Posts