"Crafting" Style System

  • #1, by ygmantellWednesday, 09. August 2017, 03:36 7 years ago
    Is is possible to have an inventory where items can only be used on the environment (easy to do), then another, seperate screen (a crafting table or something) where items can be used on each other/combined?
    I'm thinking maybe a menu, that can be pulled up when needed, but I'm not sure how to display what items the player has. Maybe two different inventories? I dunno.

    This shouldnt be too hard, but for some reason I'm havng trouble realizing it smile

    Thanks so much!

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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 09. August 2017, 10:55 7 years ago
    2 different inventories. 2 different characters maybe? you can add items to multiple characters, same goes with removing. So you could have a different character permanently linked to the close-up table scene.

    Sorry, that's about all I can come up with. Just woken up recently.


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  • #3, by MachtnixWednesday, 09. August 2017, 12:02 7 years ago
    What ist a crafting table?

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  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 09. August 2017, 13:01 7 years ago
    Guess something along the lines of the workbenches in the fallout games where you can combine items in your inventory to create something new?


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  • #5, by ygmantellWednesday, 09. August 2017, 16:04 7 years ago
    Yeah, exactly.  I plan on having the player character collect items in different scenes, then go back to his lab and make new gadgets with the items found.  This would just be combining different items to make new ones. 

    So each time I add a new item to the inventory, I would add it to both? Same goes for removing/combining, etc?

    Seems kinda long-winded, but to be honest I can't think of any other way either. smile

    Thanks for your help!

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  • #6, by esmeraldaWednesday, 09. August 2017, 16:54 7 years ago

    So each time I add a new item to the inventory, I would add it to both? Same goes for removing/combining, etc?

    There is an action part for giving all inventory items to another character.
    At the beginning of the scene you could give all items to the dummy-character and give them all back at the end of the scene.

    Edit: maybe you could assign one inventory to both caracters. Haven't tested this.

    Of course this only works if you want the same items in both inventorys.

    Key Killer

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  • #7, by ygmantellWednesday, 09. August 2017, 17:20 7 years ago
    Havent thought of that, cool idea.

    So, I guess for the close up shots of the crafting table (or whatever) the "crafting character" would just be invisible?  

    I do plan on having the same items in both, as both "characters" (in VS) would represent the same player in game.  

    I was thinking of using a single click interface with one cursor button that (in command properties) is set to "items CANNOT be dragged with this command", then just duplicate this and set the other one to CAN, then just switch between them on entry and exit of the crafting scene.

    But, I want items to be able to be used on scene objects, but not on themselves, and then the other way around in the crafting scene, so that wouldn't work.

    I suppose I could just simply have combonation actions set within the items and have them only work when condition "onCraftingTable" or whatever is set to true.  Then, I can just have the actions with items on the scene objects and other characters In Scene.
    Then this would avoid having to use different characters for each scene.

    Well then... I guess I just figured it out myself (literally as I was typing this smile )
    (And any feedback would be appreciated, of course)

    Thank you all for your help!

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  • #8, by MachtnixWednesday, 09. August 2017, 18:49 7 years ago
    I am not sure I understand the question correctly, but you can't sort items like you want. If you generate a new one, it would be placed at the end. So you need an own menu. You have to ask which items are visible or active depend on the character and arrange them in a new matrix. You mean some like „Die geheimnisvolle Insel“? In this game you have tableaus with just combined or single items you can move free on an empty field. 

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  • #9, by afrlmeWednesday, 09. August 2017, 19:00 7 years ago
    I am not sure I understand the question correctly, but you can't sort items like you want. If you generate a new one, it would be placed at the end. So you need an own menu. You have to ask which items are visible or active depend on the character and arrange them in a new matrix. You mean some like „Die geheimnisvolle Insel“? In this game you have tableaus with just combined or single items you can move free on an empty field. 
    Aye, I'm pretty sure I shared some scripts on the wiki for adding/removing & reorganizing inventory items?


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  • #10, by MachtnixWednesday, 09. August 2017, 19:07 7 years ago
    I only found "sort items alpabetically". But moving and combine free?

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  • #11, by afrlmeWednesday, 09. August 2017, 19:51 7 years ago
    Should be on the wiki under script index. Pretty sure I shared my scripts I used for ALLD demo as we needed to combine items & remove & insert the new item.


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