Comment sets don't trigger

  • #1, by ncounterWednesday, 09. October 2019, 23:21 5 years ago

    I'm new to Visionaire Studio, but the basics I learned so far show me, that this programm is just fantastic.

    Anyways, I got a problem with a specific function, the "comment sets". The text parts I implemented so far, just don't trigger.

    What I did:
    Interface -> "mouse" -> "leftclick" -> "command button" and "normal command" (I have just one action and nothing like "look", "use" etc., because I just use a simple right and left click for actions)
    The Interface works fine with every object where I set a specific action.

    Characters -> Comment Set -> "Name" -> "normal" -> "exampletext" -> "abcd" (command set ti "leftclick")
    Characters -> Properties -> Comment set -> "normal"

    My testobjects have no actions defined. If I define one, it works like its defined.
    But if I don't define any actions, the comment sets don't trigger.

    Maybe someone of you know what I did wrong :-)

    Edit: I found out, that the comment set work, if I use Items per Drag and Drop from my inventory, but why doesn't they work if i try interacting without an item?


    3 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaThursday, 10. October 2019, 13:46 5 years ago
    Hm... it is working for me...
    Did you define a position for executing an action on the object?

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #3, by ncounterThursday, 10. October 2019, 14:17 5 years ago
    Hm... it is working for me...
    Did you define a position for executing an action on the object?

    yes I did, and it's within my way borders. If I click the object the character also walks to this position, but don't show any text.
    And if I define an action for the object the character walk normaly to this and do the defined action.

    Edit: I changed now my interactions to a curser where you switch to different actions with use of the mouse wheel (in my case "walk/look" and "use") Comment sets for "use" work fine, but "walk/look" don't work. I don't understand this...


    3 Posts