#1, by BenmirathMonday, 30. September 2013, 00:28 12 years ago
Hi, I've been looking through the wiki and forums for a little while, and haven't found an answer to this question yet, so I figured I should just come out and ask. The long and the short of it is, how do command groups work?
I'm working on a game where we're trying to streamline the command selection, and wanted to have a catch all interaction command that, depending on what you are hovering over, would make available different commands like use, talk to, or pick up. I know this can be accomplished through actions and some use of conditional logic, but command groups sounds like it's designed for what I'm trying to accomplish, and would make for a far cleaner solution. So what are command groups for? And do they lend themselves to what I'm describing? And if not, what are they generally used for?
Thanks for whatever help you can offer.