Click for next text?

  • #1, by saintandsimonThursday, 26. September 2013, 10:50 12 years ago
    Howdy peeps!

    Sitting, and wondering about my game. It has a ton of dialogues (a ton), and now I'm beginning to think that the player might to want to click, in order read the next "display text" in a conversation (otherwise the player might feel it misses something important).


    Display text: "hello"
    Click anywhere for next text
    Display text "hello hello"

    And so on. What might be the best way for this to work?


    85 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 26. September 2013, 12:24 12 years ago

    read this Simon - it explains about displayed text & pause methods etc wink

    the article isn't quite finished, but the bit you are wanting to know is there.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by saintandsimonThursday, 26. September 2013, 12:46 12 years ago

    However, the pause-methods are what I'm using now. Basically I want the player to click with the mouse, for the next "display text" to show. I can't find it in your Wiki, but maybe I'm blind. ^^

    But the only way I can think of is creating tons of conditions, setting them from false to true, just in order for the next text to trigger/be shown. But so many conditions seems like a strange way to solve it.


    85 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 26. September 2013, 13:25 12 years ago
    you aren't looking hard enough razz


    after the text will make it so the player has to click the text to execute the next action part or displayed text in the actions list.

    there is also a warning on the article too: do not use displayed text in combination with cursor disabled action part because cursor disabled kills all key & mouse input which means that your game will essentially be stuck on the displayed text.

    Hi, I am a displayed text example. click me to proceed!


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by saintandsimonThursday, 26. September 2013, 13:27 12 years ago
    But there are no other way than diving into the Lua? smile, Then I guess I'll have to try implementing scripts somehow. ^^


    85 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeThursday, 26. September 2013, 13:28 12 years ago
    uh? Lua?


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by saintandsimonThursday, 26. September 2013, 14:20 12 years ago
    Problem solved thanks to afrlme smile


    85 Posts