Hello there,
I have a LUA question again (yay):
In my case i have a hotkey for creating screenshots inside the "Screenshots" folder inside the LocalAppDir.
The problem here: If this directory doesnt exist, creating a screenshot runs into error.
So i have to check if the folder exist and if not create it before executing the screenshot function.
Now i found this for creating a directory:
os.execute("mkdir " .. dirname)
But besides that also found some comments that it's not wise to use the execute function because the command attached to it is implemented different in every operating system and could fail.
Instead a reference to the LuaFileSystem (
https://keplerproject.github.io/luafilesystem//) is given.
How do i implement it in Visionaire Studio? Is there a way which works out of the box?
Also, how do i check if a directory exists?
kind regards