Characters new Animations OUTFITS - SOLVED

  • #1, by ozzie-daveFriday, 17. November 2017, 02:46 7 years ago
    Hi All, I'm a Newbie,

    I have purchased Visionaire Editor 5RC2, used the previous version with no problems.

    I need to change the name of my Players animations folder under the OUTFIT Folder, but it seems to be impossible. On adding a new folder you get a name animation0, but it seems you cannot change this name at all.

    All that happens when you change the name it will revert back to animation0.

    Tearing my hair out, help would be appreciated (see image)


    22 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaFriday, 17. November 2017, 08:57 7 years ago
    Welcome ozzie-dave!

    I'm sorry, I just tested it but I can't reproduce your problem. When I create a new folder I can change the name by doubleclicking on the name, entering the new name and then pressing "enter". It works as it should.
    Does this bug appear only in the subfolder "walking animations" or in all folders?
    What happens if you dublicate an animation - can't you change the name either?
    Are you using windows or mac?

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #3, by ozzie-daveFriday, 17. November 2017, 21:49 7 years ago
    Hi Esmeralda,

    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    This happens for all folders, including the top folder where I cannet even name it Player.

    I double click the folder, change the name, get out of the folder, but it still reverts back to Animation0. I am using Windows 10. 


    22 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSSaturday, 18. November 2017, 13:53 7 years ago
    You must expressively press enter, clicking out doesn't work. It works a little different than other systems, but I'll probably change that since it makes no sense.

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #5, by ozzie-daveMonday, 20. November 2017, 03:09 7 years ago
    Thanks SimonS, I should have guessed that one....


    22 Posts