All the PC are windows operation system. Here are the specs:
a) Development PC: Win 10 Pro 64bit, Dual Core Due 2.4GhZ, GeForce Gtx 1050 2GB
b) Graphical PC: Win 10 Pro 64bit, Intel Core i7, Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 12GB
c) Tester PC 1: Windows 10 Pro 64bit, Xeon es-1620 3.5Ghz Quadro k620
d) Tester PC 2: Notebook HP Elitebook 8740w, Win 10 Pro 64bit, Intel i7 q720, Quadro FX 2800m, 8GB
On (A) & (C) Pc's everything is OK, you can see main character (white girl in red tshirt) visible and secondary character (colored girl in yellow tshirt) visible. See attached file picture1.jpg
On (B) pc the main character (white girl) is OK, but the secondary character (colored girl) is not visible. See attached file picture2.jpg
On (D) pc the main character (white girl) isn't visible apart the shadow (visible), and the secondary character (colored girl) is visible. See attached file picture3.jpg