Character speed increases substantially during scene transitions.

  • #1, by dos4gwTuesday, 22. September 2015, 00:35 9 years ago
    After upgrading from 3.7.1 to 4.2, characters who are walking during a fading scene transition speed up dramatically. Also unlike 3.7.1, it appears that the characters have to stop moving before the fade in begins and the scene changes.


    69 Posts

  • #2, by dos4gwTuesday, 22. September 2015, 11:00 9 years ago
    After testing things out, it appears that this only happens when sliding animations are used. Any help would be much appreciated.


    69 Posts

  • #3, by dos4gwSunday, 27. September 2015, 01:04 9 years ago
    It seems like this problem is tied to forcing v-sync off in my graphics card display settings. Doing this allows my game to exceed 60 frames per second.

    Not only does this cause the warp drive during scene fades, but it also increases sliding character animation speeds as a whole throughout the game. I was wondering why my character speeds doubled since upgrading...

    This isn't the first time that this has caused trouble. In 3.7.1, exceeding 60fps occasionally caused the camera to get stuck in place. I've yet to verify if this is still a problem in 4.2.

    So it seems like exceeding 60fps is asking for trouble. The problem is I can't count on players not having v-sync forced off, since many gamers do this to avoid input lag and screen tearing. Does anyone know of a way to set a max framerate without using v-sync?


    69 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 27. September 2015, 02:30 9 years ago
    I believe there is something to do with this being sorted for the next release. Chris (stasis) required something to do with frame rate / vsync & refresh rate. I assume it will make it into the next build of VS.

    I believe VS has vsync enabled by default, as there's no point going over 60fps for 2D.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by dos4gwSunday, 27. September 2015, 02:52 9 years ago
    Thanks for the reply. Agreed, there's no point in going over 60fps. However, I can't count on those who play the game not to have v-sync forced off.

    It's good to hear that the issue is being looked into. I'm going back to 3.7.1 for now, but I hope to go back to 4.2 eventually.


    69 Posts