Character just walks over the screen in a straight line and doesn't do anything else // Charakter läuft nur in einer Linie über den Screen und macht dann nichts andres mehr

  • #1, by LekkaFriday, 28. August 2015, 13:14 10 years ago
    Hello again!

    Somehow my way borders / way lines don't work.
    I don't think there is anything wrong with them, I just created normal way borders and the lines inside of it.
    But regardless of where I click, the character just walks into the lower left corner and stays there, I don't even have the opportunity to cancel the walk. It's not possible to click on a room object, she just walks her way. But it is still possible to use the menu.
    Do you have any ideas what the problem could be?

    Thanks for your help!


    Erneut hallo!

    Meine Weggrenzen / Weglinien funktionieren irgendwie nicht.
    Ich glaube nicht, dass ich bei der Erstellung derselben irgendetwas falsch gemacht habe.
    Aber egal wohin ich klicke, der Charakter läuft nur in die untere linke Ecke und bleibt dann da stehen, ich hab nicht einmal die Möglichkeit den Walk zu unterbrechen. Es ist außerdem nicht möglich, ein benutzbares Objekt anzuklicken, sie läuft dann einfach los und bleibt unten stehen. Das Menü kann ich aber benutzen.
    Habt ihr irgendwelche Ideen, was hier das Problem sein könnte?

    Danke schonmal für eure Hilfe!



    19 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 28. August 2015, 13:23 10 years ago
    Does this happen after you click somewhere on the scene to make the character walk or automatically as soon as the scene is loaded?

    Also are there any errors in the log file?


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by LekkaFriday, 28. August 2015, 13:54 10 years ago
    It only happens when I click somewhere - regardless where.

    The last entry in the log says
    "..\..\src\msw\window.cpp(591): 'SetFocus' failed with error 0x00000057 (falscher Parameter.)."

    The previous are like this: "Using Framebuffer with texture."

    At the beginning there are some graphic errors, but they are just because I didn't put in the new files into the second screen. Which doesn't matter because she doesn't get to it anyway wink

    Edit: Changed the settings to try if the second screen works. It does. I don't know why, because I did the exact same with the first screen O.o


    19 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 28. August 2015, 15:54 10 years ago
    Maybe it was an issue with the polygons for the border or way paths. They sometimes corrupt when creating them, although that usually only happens (rarely) when creating the interaction polygons for scene objects.

    P.S: you did correctly close off the way borders & place the characters starting position for the scene inside of the way border area?


    7286 Posts

  • #5, by LekkaFriday, 28. August 2015, 17:03 10 years ago
    Yes, I checked everything and even renewed the borders and the paths. Also the starting position is inside the borders.
    Really can't tell why it doesn't work on the first screen -.-


    19 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 28. August 2015, 17:33 10 years ago
    Sorry. I've not really got any other ideas as to what could be causing the issue - well at least, not without access to the project files & log. At least you managed to get it working in another scene, so could be just that some of the data for the first scene got corrupted while you was creating it.


    7286 Posts

  • #7, by LekkaFriday, 28. August 2015, 20:46 10 years ago
    I solved the problem now by not using "execute command on object", but "leftclick" and then sending the person to an precise position.
    Don't know why this works ^^


    19 Posts