Character align is ignored inside a skipped cutscene

  • #1, by LebosteinWednesday, 18. March 2015, 20:01 10 years ago
    If I align characters inside a cutscene and I skip the cutscene with ESC, then the characters are not aligned after skipping. I thought skipping a cutscene means "call all commands but reduce the time to zero for all time dependent actions and screen outputs".

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 18. March 2015, 21:18 10 years ago
    I think it was mentioned ages back that certain things are ignored inside of cutscene action blocks. For instance if you call a called by other action or execute a script etc. Although I'm not 100% sure on this as it was mentioned a long time back & my memory is a little fuzzy on the matter.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by AlexThursday, 19. March 2015, 00:32 10 years ago
    skipping a cutscene is like running the action fast-forward. characters are aligned and also other called actions are executed. started animations in a skipped cutscene are not executed as they are usually not relevant for the state of the game. Also actions inside an animation (e.g. on specific animation frame) are not executed since it is not possible to execute them with the right state (and animation frames could be skipped).

    maybe you're calling another action which is executed immediately in a skipped cutscene. If the cutscene is not skipped the action will be executed after the first action stops/pauses (necessary due to backward compatibility).

    Great Poster

    378 Posts

  • #4, by LebosteinThursday, 19. March 2015, 14:09 10 years ago
    Very couriois. This align thing is the last action inside my Start/End cutscene. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't work. I will try to add a little pause before I end the cutscene...

    align character
    pause some ms
    end cutscene

    PS: You should inform the users to be careful with the "Character walk to" command inside a cutscene. The target coordinates must be valid! If the target coordinates outside the walkable area the character leaves the walkable area while breaking the cutscene. There seems no "border check" when you skip the cutscene.

    Would be nice to have an option like "[x] User can't break this cutscene" at the "begin cutscene" action part for sensible things (or for non-cutscene-situations in which a cutscene block is the only possibility to generate pauses between texts or something).

    I use the cutscene block very often because this is the only way to generate a pause between two spoken texts. A perfect timing/pausing in dialogues is very much worth in films and computergames like adventures. It would also be nice to have an inline code like {p=300ms} that could be placed inside a text block to force a small pause after the spoken text.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeThursday, 19. March 2015, 14:50 10 years ago
    You can do that. It's possible to prevent the escape from registering with the new keyboard event handler / listener.

    function keyboardHandler(eventType, character, keycode, modifiers)
     if Conditions["esc_active"].ConditionValue == false and keycode == eKeyEscape then return true end
     return false
    registerEventHandler("keyEvent", "keyboardHandler")	

    ...if condition esc_active is false then escape is disabled. It's simply a matter of toggling the condition to activate & deactivate the escape key. This will allow you to prevent skipping of cutscenes or certain parts of it, or whatever you want. I think movies will still be skipped with esc regardless, though.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by LebosteinThursday, 19. March 2015, 15:04 10 years ago

    Key Killer

    621 Posts