#2, by DerNarrFriday, 03. July 2015, 12:54 10 years ago
yeah, I did an approach to achieve something similar (because I wanted smaller representations of the items I´m holding). What I did was to workaround the entire inventory-drag-and-drop system with conditions. For example: Pick up a gun (condition: gun was picked up), make an image of the gun for your inventory which is only shown when the condition is true, when you click on the action area of the gun in your inventory you can change the cursor to whatever image you want (the gun sight), build actions for every object in your scene for the case you´re holding an item (I did a main-condition "An item is dragging" with sub-conditions for the specific items (gun is dragging)) so that your character can react to certain combinatios (maybe: if condition "gun is dragging" is true display text "I don´t wanna shot that chair"). I don´t know if there´s a better way to achieve that goal but it works fine for me. Hope that helps.