Change item icon/cursor?

  • #1, by paraboleeThursday, 02. July 2015, 23:01 10 years ago

    Not sure how to achieve something and looking for advice. I am trying to have the cursor icon change to something other than the item image when selecting the item from the inventory.

    To be more specific. I have a gun in my characters inventory, and I would like to make it so that when the gun is selected the cursor changes into gun sights rather than just an image of the item.

    I tried a "change cursor" command on selecting the item but that did not work.

    Anyone point me in the right direction on this?



    45 Posts

  • #2, by DerNarrFriday, 03. July 2015, 12:54 10 years ago
    yeah, I did an approach to achieve something similar (because I wanted smaller representations of the items I´m holding). What I did was to workaround the entire inventory-drag-and-drop system with conditions. For example: Pick up a gun (condition: gun was picked up), make an image of the gun for your inventory which is only shown when the condition is true, when you click on the action area of the gun in your inventory you can change the cursor to whatever image you want (the gun sight), build actions for every object in your scene for the case you´re holding an item (I did a main-condition "An item is dragging" with sub-conditions for the specific items (gun is dragging)) so that your character can react to certain combinatios (maybe: if condition "gun is dragging" is true display text "I don´t wanna shot that chair"). I don´t know if there´s a better way to achieve that goal but it works fine for me. Hope that helps.


    8 Posts

  • #3, by paraboleeMonday, 06. July 2015, 16:20 10 years ago
    Hmm, I replied to this and it seems to have not posted.

    Thanks for the advice. Unless I can think of a more elegant solution I think this will work. I will just convert one inventory slot into the gun alone, and use conditions to change the cursor.



    45 Posts

  • #4, by sagund07Wednesday, 29. July 2015, 23:54 10 years ago
    Same problem here. Is there a simpler solution to change the cursor of a dragged item?


    4 Posts

  • #5, by sebastianThursday, 30. July 2015, 08:38 10 years ago
    isnt there a "set item" action part available?
    when leftclicking (or whatever) the item (gun) you can change the dragged item to another .

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  • #6, by sagund07Thursday, 30. July 2015, 18:30 10 years ago
    Ok i can do it that way but if i set an item and wanted to cancel the command (like right clicking when an item is dragged) how can i do it that the item is not set anymore.

    Ok, so kann man es machen aber wenn ich einen Gegenstand setze, wie kann ich den Befehl zurücksetzen, sodass kein Gegenstand mehr gesetzt ist (zum Beispiel beim ziehen von Gegenständen kann man mit einem Rechtsklick das ziehen abbrechen)? Den Gegenstand auf [leer] zu setzen habe ich schon versucht aber dabei bleibt der ausgewählte Gegenstand immernoch gesetzt.


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  • #7, by sebastianThursday, 30. July 2015, 18:33 10 years ago
    just set item to [empty] wink

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  • #8, by sebastianThursday, 30. July 2015, 18:34 10 years ago
    *maybe tick the checkbox which defines the draggability of the item

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  • #9, by sagund07Thursday, 30. July 2015, 18:39 10 years ago
    Okay seems there was something broken in the conditions. Now it works.


    Ok funktioniert doch, da ist wohl was in den Bedingungen falsch gewesen grin


    4 Posts

  • #10, by sagund07Thursday, 30. July 2015, 18:51 10 years ago
    If I tick the checkbox then i cannot change the cursor


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